Stevo Leaves Dungeon

Yep, this is true!

Just to save people clicking links and going elsewhere, here's both of our official statements:

Greetings all!

I wish to officially advise that through a mutually agreed discussion between myself and the other permanent members, after 8 years and 1 month I will terminate my position of drummer for the band known as Dungeon effective Saturday, August 7, 2004.

I won’t, at this time, describe the many facets & incidents that have brought this decision to light, as there are too many to mention that point to the main reason; being that over the last 2-3 years Dungeon for me has not been a very happy environment, and the people who know me will understand the reasons for this permanent departure. For everyone else, all of my time, thoughts and events in Dungeon (since 1996 to present) have been documented, so all may be revealed in the future should I choose to release them.

I also won't go onto explain the work and business ideals I had produced whilst being a member of Dungeon, as every member of the band has made sacrifices in their lives in their own ways to achieve the best for it. I believe that viewing Dungeon at the level it has now become is enough evidence to say that my work, ideals and decision making has definitely paid off.

I’d like to thank all the people who have helped in supporting the business of Dungeon; promoters, bands, record companies, investors, media, reviewers, etc. (you know who you all are). I’d like to thank the friends and fans whom had come out to see Dungeon play live, and those whom had bought Dungeon merchandise – without your support Dungeon would not have been able to sustain itself to get to the level it’s at now. Every cent had been kept within the band and spent only on its furtherment.

I’d like to also personally thank the network of people whom assisted and supported me in making my initatives a reality; don’t worry, folks, I’m still going to be around.

I’d also like to thank the unending efforts of Dungeon’s manager Steve Ravic, as his everlasting commitment is the reason Dungeon is now at the international level – thank you, mate! I’ve never been unappreciative of your hard work, and I’ve never known a more deserving business partner.

I’m sure Dungeon will continue from strengeth to strength in supporting Australian Metal in the future. My successor, I’ve been told, has been waiting in the wings ever since I referred him to the band as a fill-in – I’m definitely sure he’ll take good care of the drummer’s position and keep the stool warm by providing exemplary playing. Good luck, mate, I hope you find what you’re looking for.

So, in finishing, one piece of wisdom about life in general:
“Things happen in life for a reason. We define ourselves by the actions we take in dealing with those things, and in return grow from them. In our linear existence, we only have one shot, so actions must be correct as there’s no going back.”

I wish only the best for Dungeon, and that they take themselves 'all the way' in becoming the best internationally acclaimed metal act Australia has ever had to offer -- bow to no-one, and educate the world in the ways of the Southern Cross.

So to Tim, Stu and Steve, as well as ex-members Dakk, Dale & Juz… thank you for having me be a part of Dungeon. Good luck to you all.

See yer 'round!

Mine on behalf of Dungeon:
On behalf of Dungeon, I'd firstly like to say good luck to Stevo with his future endevours!

The parting was a friendly one and was a mutual decision. As time goes on, band relationships change in both personal and professional ways.

Indeed, as Stevo mentioned, this decision we have come to has been lurking for quite some time but only now has it come to a head when it became clear that neither party was happy with how things were progressing. A decison was finally made to part ways.

We'd like to reinforce also what Stevo was saying in that there is no animosity between us whatsoever and any rumours that may be heard to the contrary are absolutely false! Unless you hear it from either a Dungeon member or Stevo himself, take it as just that - an unsubstantiated rumour.

Now, on a much more positive note, we would like to announce that our new permanent drummer is none other than ex-Infernal Method drumming god, Grahame Goode!

During our time we played with Grahame on the recent Edguy tour, we realised what had been missing in the band for quite some time - the enthusiasm and fire behind the kit.

Again, this is no dig at Stevo's drumming ability - anyone who has seen Stevo's incredible playing in Vaticide recently will surely know what I mean - but if your heart isn't in it, it shows, and we weren't feeling this in the band anymore.

Grahame's joining of Dungeon has signaled the start of the next exciting chapter of the band and has even further re-ignited our drive to take Dungeon to the absolute top and show the world what Aussie metal can be when it's done well!

So in closing, we would again like to thank Stevo for his time, knowledge, hard work, song writing collaboration and most of all, his friendship over the last 8 years. Stevo - It's been a wild ride, man, glad you were part of it! Good luck! :)

It's all good :)

Nah, nothing quite as egotistical as that! (not yet anyway :p) Things have been elvoving in the Dungeon camp for quite sometime and it's one of those things that happens. It's just sort of really brought to light more that Dakk departed not long before Stevo, I guess.

Playing with Grahame is an amazing feeling though, and if things work out with the bassist we're talking to, it's gonna be the best thing that's happened to Dungeon yet! :)
So was the LT-Stevo-Stu-Dakk lineup the classic Dungeon lineup, a la Dickinson-Smith-Murray-Harris-McBrain and Michaels-DeVille-Dall-Rockett?
It was the lineup with LT-Randall-The Chick- The trucker and the drummer in it, obviously.

But yeah, the only better drummer they could have got is Flo Mournier.

Any speculation of who the new bassist is? Brian, aimed at you as I'm sure you know.
Fuck me dead, is there anyone else who can leave Dungeon?! Oh well, I'm just glad to hear the new guy's a good'un!