Sticky: Ask Yanko!

Wanko, can you give me your home address?
Because, when I bought me a new vibbie today, I also saw some buttplugs in the shop -and immediately thought of you. So maybe I should send you a very special gift...
Throw in some lube and nipple clamps and he'll be happy to give it to you!:lol:
Hey Tut when are you coming to my house to play with me and why is the sky blue?
Tut Ankh Amon said:
ok, i'll just find a substitute for masturbation and then i'll contact you and we'll kill the fuckers! >8(


cut a hole in your pillow. or wall.....depending on your personal preference
I'd would rather like to see you and Tut at play and still be able to watch the sky? So why can't I do a bit of both?:lol:
American Tour update for the Yanko:

October 1st: New York City, New York
October 2nd: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
October 4th: Miami, Florida
October 7th: Atlanta, Georgia
October 9th: Houston, Texas
October 10th: San Antonio, Texas
October 12th: Chicago, Illinois
October 15th: Las Vegas, Nevada
October 17th: San Diego, California
October 18th: San Francisco, California
October 20th: Los Angeles, California
October 24th: Portland, Oregon
October 27th: George, Washington (The Gorge in George)
October 31st: Seattle, Washington
Yanko, if you can, try to be in Netherlands between 2 and 6 November then you will have my and Heavenscent waiting for you backstage wearing only grapes.
Yanko can I get backstage passes for the Oct.10th date?? I'll be wearing Ralf or Heavenscents underwear!:p :lol: