Still around...


Nov 12, 2005
on the road again...
I'm still around, and so is MFTE. I'm unemployed at the moment, which should mean I have more time for reviews, but... well, doing a webzine sucks! Two years from now, who the hell is going to remember a review from a webzine. It gets put online, read once (speaking from personal experience) and that's it. Interviews? Same deal. And when the webzine shuts down, all those reviews and interviews are lost in the land of the web, forgotten by 80 percent of the community. But how many times have you gone back and re-read something from print. Don't know about you, but I remember more from the print pubs than I do the webzines. Ten years from now, anything in print will be valuable information, anything from the web will be... well, lost. Did you know Vanden Plas use to be a frizzy hair band? I found an old issue of Underground Empire (cannot read a damn thing since it's in German) and saw a pic from I'd say from about 1990. Convince me that sixteen years from now you'll be able to find something like that from the web.

I'm piss-poor broke at the moment, but I WILL FUCKING PUBLISH ANOTHER PRINT ISSUE OF MFTE. I've come to the conclusion that if you're going to do a zine, you'll basically have to do a freebie. Of course it'll be photo-copied (today's technology can print photo-copy just as good as a printing press). All I need to do is figure out the logistics - ie, finances and distribution.

Oh yeah, this dude/dudette/it emailed me saying if I didn't send him a few bucks that he was going to hack the website. I emailed him back and told him go right ahead and that they'd be doing me a favor. I noticed Metal Temple is currently hacked (least that's what it look like) - they aren't the first nor will they be the last.

I have interviews from Riverside, Head Control System, Elfonia, Pharoah (excellent and informative one at that), and Green Carnation. So yeah, they'll be published via the old-school way of doing things.

Things that have been rockin my CD player as of late:
1) Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
2) Anathema - Alternative 4
3) The Gathering - Home
4) Red Circuit - Trance State (stupid name for a very, very good Vanden Plas-influenced band)
5) Lake of Tears - BlackBrickRoad
6) Ostinato - Chasing the Form

That's it for my little rant.

You know Underground Empire? - Stefan Glas seems to have made some waves with that thing in its heydays. Anyway, Vanden Plas also wrote a hymn for their local soccer club Kaiserslautern many years ago.

These interviews you have in store sound promising!
Alternative 4: A late discovery or rediscovery?
Yeah, Underground Empire was quite huge in Europe. Stefan and company had a great zine; only problem was I couldn't read 3/4 of it because it was written in German. Want it? Probably be about 6 dollars or so to send it Airmail. Just say the word and I'll send it your way.
Oh yeah, Alternative 4 was a late discovery for me, as are most albums before '99. I brought their Fine Day to Exit (I think that's the title) and played it to death; but everyone told me they had already done better. So I went and brought their back catalogue. They've become a fav of mine. And actually, I've noticed I'm getting more into that style. I love music with space.

I don't have good contacts at Candlelight, so my next buy will be the new Wolverine album.
Thanks fr the offer, but I know Stefan's work quite well. He's mainly working for "Heavy oder was"-magazine (nowadays only "Heavy") as well as Rock Hard, doing photography for the most part.

Yeah, of the few bands whose extreme stylistic development I could follow...if you really slept through the nineties, you have missed a lot of interesting stuff. Actually, in times where a genre is not popular, it breeds the most exciting music. I was born in 1981, so the nineties where my period of amassing countless records to provide the soundtrack of my youth...not that I'm an old man now, of course...:lol:

That Ostinato-thing is good as well. I heard that they pull all this off live only with three members. Who needs orchestras then, haha...
Well, in between packing for a move to another town with my family in August, I was wondering what was going on with the website. I'll have more reviews to you soon, been getting a variety of metal to review these days. I'll try to get some interviews going as well.

What I've been enjoying lately includes:

new The Prowlers
new Wolverine
new Imagika

and demos from Forevers Fallen Grace, Frozen, Slight Of Mind and Timelord.

MFTE Cam said:
Wolverine as good as I'm hoping it is?

If you insist on growls: no. If you want it more moody and emotional, but still with heavy outbursts here and there: yes.

I'm tired of G.W. Bush samples in songs though...too much Ministry.:lol: