still searching

i have moved the damn mic everywhere!
i get nightmares at night just thinking about this . . .

people say its cause i use an SM 57
but ... thats bullshit
unless.. the mic is just fucked up in a way
i did buy it used for cheap never know these days
Just relax...there's no bad tone without a backing track.... you need a drum and bass and to start to think in the whole thing... sometimes the drums give a new perspective to guitars...
Just relax...there's no bad tone without a backing track.... you need a drum and bass and to start to think in the whole thing... sometimes the drums give a new perspective to guitars...

that is true to a certain extent

but any guitar i track
it has a high fizz with a dash of pretty high frequency
with no mids
A classical example is P.O.D. - Addicted ....did you heard??? Guitar sounds awfull but don't hurt the ears and doesn't seem a cheap work....and i heard nice mids in your tone... maybe you can tell us your goal....
Yep, that's literally what it comes down to. When you think you've tried everything, you haven't.

Get a mixed backing track on the go and get a tone that works without any EQ. Start in the "typical" position (mic where the dustcap meets the cone, 1 inch away) and then move it further towards the cone, try moving it back another couple of inches too. My best miced tones came from moving the mic back from the cab about 3 inches rather than just 1 (but that was to accomodate for my Framus cab's overwhelming 10khz fizz, which your orange shouldn't have, theyre much nicer built cabs.)
I believe Adam D also likes to mic slightly further away too. It's hard to argue with the results, muthafucker has badass tone
you should definitely try another mic. a 57 on a cab is usually atleast ... pleasing, right from the start. it shouldn't be a constant nightmare, my first few attempts ever at miking a cab was just shoving a 57 in its face and being immediately thrilled, with no knowledge of placement.
im gunna work on my placement a bit more
first im going to re treat my sound booth for vocals/amps and then get some good headphones
maybe some M50's and try again
and if i have LITERALLY tried everything
im gunna save up and by an SM7b or some other mic
it will take doing some research