Wagner + Revalver what do you think?

sounds awesome! The only thing I would recommend is to back off on the bass. The palm mutes are too beefy. Try out the C4 settings Andy posted
sounds awesome! The only thing I would recommend is to back off on the bass. The palm mutes are too beefy. Try out the C4 settings Andy posted

Yeah I know, I usually do that, but this was just a quick test with no external processing (other than the ampsims).

Thanks :rock:
Thanks everyone! :rock:

Everything done in revalver, no physical pedals or anything. The clip is 4 guitars. 2 with the Wagner, and the tubescreamer model in front of it. Other 2 guitars are just the Kitty, (revalvers dual rectifier). Most part of the sound is the kitty. The impulses are Guitarhacks, but I EQ:ed them alot, so the impulses are very important for this tone.

I'm afraid I changed the internal settings of the kitty quite alot, so posting a screenshot will not do you any good.

However if you are running in demo mode, you can still load module presets of the amp (the internal tweaks). Just right-click, and choose load module preset.

Here are the settings:

For the wagner setting I included a screenshot and 2 impulses (don't remember whitch one I used).

For the kitty setting, I included a screenshot, the module preset for kitty, and the impulse.

There you go:

Sounds a bit woofy and fizzy to me, I think it needs a little more midrange in there, to make it sound warmer, pretty good tone though.

Usually I have my mids around 7 (on the amp) but this time I was going for the ENGL tone so I really scooped it out. Personally I like fizz, but it wouldn't sound that fizzy in a mix. In fact I would probably raise the treblier frequencies in a mix because of the cymbals stealing alot of high end.
Usually I have my mids around 7 (on the amp) but this time I was going for the ENGL tone so I really scooped it out. Personally I like fizz, but it wouldn't sound that fizzy in a mix. In fact I would probably raise the treblier frequencies in a mix because of the cymbals stealing alot of high end.

Ahh, ok then, I personally don't like the ENGL tone, so that's probably why I don't like this clip.
No, but every single recording I hear of an ENGL, I don't like, it's always scooped and fizzy sounding, I'd rather have a 5150 any day.

Well it's a matter of taste but seriously, you have to try it out.

I like the 5150 but I got tired of it in a week when our guitarist in a previous band had it. It has this filter over it that is impossible to get rid of, you know kinda like a wahwah stuck in the middle position. It's nice if you want that's but it's the only sound you are going to get out of it. But yeah it's a nice amp for metal.
All the albums with tones I love are 5150's. I've tried a few ENGL's out through an ENGL 4x12 like 5 years back, and I honestly thought the Fireball sounded better than the Powerball, Powerball was all fizz, the Fireball was a fuckload tighter, and didn't come far off the Master Of Puppets tone that I adored back then. I'm not trying to say I'm an amp connoisseur or anything, but I just happen to like both the tones of 5150/6505's and Mesa Recto's more than anything else (although the Mesa tones have to have a decent amount of mids in them).

This is not meant to be a competition as I'm sure most of you guys have tried way more amps than me, but just so you know what amps I've tried, off the top of my head:-

ENGL Powerball/Fireball, Peavey 6505/6505+/JSX, Mesa Triple/Dual Recto/Mark I/Mark IIC+/Mark III, VHT Pitbull Ultra Lead, Krank Rev, Krankenstein, Hughes & Kettner Triamp/Warp Factor, B-52 AT-100, Marshall JCM800/JCM900, Various Crate/Laney/Marshall Valvestate/Solid State amps. And still prefer the Peavey/Mesa Recto tones more than any other amps, although the VHT wasn't far off either.