Tone test with RevalverII

I´d love to try this one, but since my Revalver refuses an activation with might and main (in fact I activated it three times now and it allways told me everything would be fine now) I´m not able to use presets and stuff :(

You can still use the preset even if you have the demo! The preset is just a kitty and a cabinet. Use the module preset for kitty I uploaded, (right click kitty-> this module -> load module preset) then use one of the EQ:ed impulses I provided and load it in the impulse module. Use the dist and crunch knobs and set them both to 12 o clock.
For that last sample are you just adjusting the treble and mids on kitty?

And one more (sorry if this is a stoopid question)... the input are you peaking red on the input of revalver or your soundcard? You explained this already but I'm second guessing cause in Nuendo I am constantly going past 0db on the (input) guessing that's not what I want to be doing?
I hope that question makes sense.

And thanks so much for posting this, I am getting a better sound out of this than my miked amps!!
For that last sample are you just adjusting the treble and mids on kitty?

And one more (sorry if this is a stoopid question)... the input are you peaking red on the input of revalver or your soundcard? You explained this already but I'm second guessing cause in Nuendo I am constantly going past 0db on the (input) guessing that's not what I want to be doing?
I hope that question makes sense.

And thanks so much for posting this, I am getting a better sound out of this than my miked amps!!

You are welcome, and thank you :D It took me 3 months of tweaking kitty (inside) to get the right picking response and a decent sound out of revalver but I think I nailed it this time ;)
Well the point is to avoid as much digital clipping as possible so just make sure that most of the clipping occurs in hardware, in my case I drive the instrument input on my soundcard rather than driving the input in revalver because you get more bit depth that way, I only drive the revalver input about 1 dB. It's digital clipping in any case I guess, but it's always better to get more gain in hardware then software. You will be getting clipping on the input in Nuendo that is correct. It would be even better if you had some kind of preamp with a high impedance (at least 1 meg ohm) instument input like the Studio Projects VTB-1 ;) then you can drive the signal a bit with the gain knob, and reduce it with the output knob so you get a good signal to your soundcard without clipping the input.

BTW the second clip is the same recording, just post EQ:ed in Nuendo
Sounds good! Nice sound with alot of attack. My clip had more distortion I think but it might be that I had 4 guitars instead of two. Improvements would be: record 2 more guitars, use the first impulse with 2 guitars and the second with another 2. EQ them after your liking. The preset is not a finished sound to put in a mix, you have to EQ the guitars. Here is what I did for instance:

The first two guitars have the impulse called BBAE-1 and are EQ:ed something like this:

The second two guitars with the impulse called BBAE-0 like this:

...And it sounds like this:

Keep in mind that I would have EQ:d them differently if I had a bassguitar in the mix, and also depending on the guitar, the tuning and the song itself. I play sevenstringed for instance, the EQ would probably be different for a sixstringed guitar.