

Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well, call me presumptious (yes I am, so what? :p ). But I believe (if I'm mistaken shoot me :loco: ) no one has made a thread regarding Sickboy band before: Stimulans

They have a Promo 2004 (available on their really good website for download) with four songs that are first and above, all modern old school metal. Clean vocals over well played guitars with and undoubtely classic Iron Maiden influence (and that in my book = right path). But also I sense some Deep Purple base in the songs, and what amazes the most is a newer band playing this type of melodic metal nowdays when most go to extreme sounds or mallcore.

'Back To You': very Maidenasque song (and again nothing bad with it), in which th vocals drive you over a precise riffing into a well crafted solo duet around 3:00. This song should remind Bruce and the boys what they lost since 1988.

'Sacrifice': starts with a mid-pace drive into another precise riff with a sweet classic vibe. I like a lot the work of the drummer with the cymbals around 2:14, also has a kind of Mid-Eastern melody in it, which is pretty cool. At 7:08 I guess the song wasn't conceived for radio, but is so catchy tan can be.

'Dust The Road': love the start (ta da, ta da, tada tada tada), and the vocals go so fine over the melody that I really can close my eyes and believe is the late 70's or early 80's. This is what made old school eternal. At 3:16 a nice bridge that leads to the solo, a really interesting one with good changes that suddenly cuts into the vocals again.

'Train': the vocal work has a itsy bitsy of grunge vibe (no offense please), besides that the song goes really well up to 2:39 when a great melodic guitar solo takes you to a change at 3:14 into a hard riff with a thrashy attitude (IMO) only to continue with the great guitar work and back to the vocals.

Definitively these four guys are on a very good path, hope they get noticed soon ;)
seems like sickboys website is well worth a visit then!

wyvern,if you like your metal a little maidenesque,and want to hear a new band,try warchild from italy-they rule.cant remember thier website addy,but we've played a few gigs with them and they are awsome.
Awesome! I'll be sure to check it out this weekend! I love Maidenesque bands :) that's why I have such a soft spot for Steel Prophet... my fav band in that vein.
baldyboy said:
seems like sickboys website is well worth a visit then!

wyvern,if you like your metal a little maidenesque,and want to hear a new band,try warchild from italy-they rule.cant remember thier website addy,but we've played a few gigs with them and they are awsome.
Sure is not Warchild from Germany?, I can't found any Italian band by that name.

@ Pabla: Steel Prophet surely is based on Maiden so is Aska, but I consider SP to have growth beyond that.

In general I have to point out that I don't consider Stimulus a "rip-off" or a simple Maiden-based band. The fact that they have that influence is IMO a good way to pave a career, but I believe too that they have their own sound that will be develop even more in the future.
Wyvern said:
@ Pabla: Steel Prophet surely is based on Maiden so is Aska, but I consider SP to have growth beyond that.

In general I have to point out that I don't consider Stimulus a "rip-off" or a simple Maiden-based band. The fact that they have that influence is IMO a good way to pave a career, but I believe too that they have their own sound that will be develop even more in the future.

Yep, I totally agree with you. SP defo grabbed all the good 'ol Maiden sound/influence and fused it into their own sound. Which is great cause I don't want another clone, but I do like the INFLUENCE factor, specially when it is incorporated so well! Every band will always be influenced by another band... the key is to have their own sound as you say.
Wyvern said:
Well, call me presumptious (yes I am, so what? ). But I believe (if I'm mistaken shoot me ) no one has made a thread regarding Sickboy band before

Yes, you're right, no one did it, including MYSELF. :D
I really hate often nasty band self-promotion on forums, so I didn't want to open the topic about myself.

They have a Promo 2004 (available on their really good website for download)

I'm glad you liked the site, I went for a simple site (I'm no designer, I made my friend do the graphics and put it all together in plain HTML by myself) whose goal was primarily to deliver info on the band and to deliver it FAST.
It loads very fast on dial-up, I think it just shows up on screen with faster connections. I'm really against sites cluttered with heavy flash crap which only draws attention from the information...

with four songs that are first and above, all modern old school metal.

That's exactly how I'd define our music! I've been searching for the right phrase, but couldn't come up with anything not cheesy or pretentious...
Thanks, Wyv! :worship:

Clean vocals over well played guitars with and undoubtely classic Iron Maiden influence (and that in my book = right path). But also I sense some Deep Purple base in the songs, and what amazes the most is a newer band playing this type of melodic metal nowdays when most go to extreme sounds or mallcore.

Well, to cut the long story short, there aren't many mallcore or nu fans in my town (thank God ;)). Black metal fans are scarce too, what goes the best is heavy, power and thrash metal. You could say we're the true metal stronghold... :D
As for DP influence, we're all into them, but what influenced Chulyo's vocals the most are classic hard rock voices (like Coverdale or Lande of the newer ones) in general, not just Deep Purple. They're much richer in phrasing and the little bits and pieces they do with their voices than the usual metal singers...

'Train': the vocal work has a itsy bitsy of grunge vibe (no offense please)

None taken! :)
Yeah, the vocals are somewhat sung in a way late Layne Staley of Alice In Chains would. It's completely unintentional, it just came out that way...
The first comment about the vocals I made to Chulyo upon my joining the band was "gosh, you really remind of Staley sometimes." :)
Besides the vox, I think that absolutely nothing isn't even remotely related to grunge.

Definitively these four guys are on a very good path, hope they get noticed soon ;)

Really glad you dig it, Wyv!
As for the rest, thanks for your good words as well! :wave:
I'd encourage all to keep posting the comments (biased either way) and to drop a message in our guestbook, it's much appreciated!
SickBoy said:
Well, to cut the long story short, there aren't many mallcore or nu fans in my town (thank God ;)). Black metal fans are scarce too, what goes the best is heavy, power and thrash metal. You could say we're the true metal stronghold... :D
It seems I have to move to Split :grin:
SickBoy said:
And if we weren't so far away, I'd almost believe you... ;)
Actually is not a distance problem. Is a money and language one ;)