Stockholms gig 070906 :)


Aug 6, 2004
Hi guys, how are you all? I've kinda disappeared again lately but many changes occurred 2 my life, the most important of which is that I'm living in Sweden now (btw I looooooooooooooove it!!!!! :D even if I just arrived kinda 3 weeks ago or evn less... :goggly:).
So yesterday I went to the gig, OMG I had to wait 8 long years before i was able to see the band live!!!! and it was really a great great great gig!!!! intimate and powerful!
I had so much fun, I managed to be in the first row, opposite Niklas and I just went crazy headbanging and jumpin and singin! and with me lots of other people or so it seemed at least from my position... the only negative thing was a stupid security guy who sometimes was standing just in front of me kinda climbed on the barrier so I wasnt really able to see alot... I asked him kindly to move but he was very rude and replied back in swedish and bla bla... anyway....
The set list was the same (or so) as in Göteborg, with me on the edge of an heart-attack on Punish my Heaven and Hedon...:goggly::hypno: as maybe many of you know... I'm an old school fan... :p :p but I enjoyed alot also Treason, There in, Wonders, Misery and well actually all the songs! :goggly:
I mean the band got this incredible energy and they really "sound as a whole team" (I'd better say in Italian "sono molto affiatati e compatti" Nico and Rahvin pls help if you know how to express this... ;) )
The sound was also really good and didn't saturate, at least from my position, and the volume was perfect not too loud...
Anders didnt miss a single change, it's really unbelievable how elegant and tight at the same time he is!
Mikael sang OMG like a record but with even more passion and also he got a special charisma on stage, I mean he can create a very intimate atmosphere with the audience!
Everybody anyway was really as I expected from my fave band so really enjoyed it!
Niklas was using the black Iceman 300 (which is like mine btw!!!! :):p ;) ) and Martin a kinda Wine Red Gibson I'd say, at least at the end, and the usual 5150 and Marshall.
Unfortunately I had no camera with me.... :( and anyway i guess we weren't really allowed to take pix...
but if anyone of you guys managed to take pix, it would be nice to have a couple.... :)
ok that's all, just wanted to share this with you.... :)
Hey I was there too.....same side as you in front of Niklas...I just moved here from LA (been here for 6 weeks) and now living in Uppsala for the year. Mikael remebered me from Hollywood back in April which was pretty awesome I thought. I've seen them many times and this was by far the best, perfect setlist and Nalen is a great place to see a show. About pics, i saw many people taking pics all night, just not allowed to record video. I didn't bring my camera either but a friend of mine took a bunch of pics, once i get em i'll post em up. Glad you had fun and welcome to Sweden!
Hey Daphne, it's really nice to read about your experience. :)
I'm happy for you, the first time is always really special. :D
Indeed, awesome show!

However, Didnt u think that H's guitar was a bit too loud, overpowering the other instruments? At least from my position which was right in the middle about 4-5 meters from the stage. Anders pedals were also a bit too massive, I could hardly distinct any details in his drumming from where i was standing. SPeaking of H, was i the only one to get the impression that he was struggling a bit with the new material?

Anybody got some theory about the wierd order of the songs on the setlist?? We discusssed it in matters of trying to get the audience going before taking on the new material. I also REALLY missed somthing of "Haven", for example the titletrack!

I think what really made it such a great show was:
1) Stanne - His voice is nothing but incredible live. Both screaming and clean, just too bad he doesnt utilize the clean more live cuz its really unique
2) Niklas - On top and ruled evertyhing, including inside the particle storm which was nothing short but AMAZING live. THough on the record it does not appear to be such a killer live, Niklas solo was amazing live as well of course.

On a furhter note, anybody standing outside Nalen before the show had the pleasure of watching Michael smoking and chatting up really young girls haha =)
great :D
im glad you all had a great time!
ive never been to a DT concert i live in mexico and i missed my chance several years ago...
id love to live in sweden!! haha wish u have a great time there guys!!
Another amazing show from Gothenburg's finest, not much more that needs to be said really. DT must be one of the best live bands these days.
I'll post some pics later, my brother got a few great ones. :)
Another amazing show from Gothenburg's finest, not much more that needs to be said really. DT must be one of the best live bands these days.
I'll post some pics later, my brother got a few great ones. :)

oh thanx alot, it would be really great!!! :D
and yeah I do think they are one of the best live acts too! along with The Haunted (but I'm partial cos Per is with Anders and Thomen my fave drummer!) and Hammerfall (i guess you laugh now :p but those guys are really a storm on stage).

@hypnotic: thx 4 the welcome! it's great here, isnt it?

@siren: hey soon it'll be your turn!!! i'm sure you'll have lotta fun as well!
btw it was really bad to hear about the fires in Greece... :/

@snuffcarl: hum, no I havent noticed this in martin (btw why do u call him H?! :ill::p ). actually i noticed him taking care about the sounding and everything! and the sound was so homogeneous that I can't really say who played "better".... and its not for being politically correct... I think maybe he got quite a reserved attitude so maybe you confused this with struggling with songs... dunno...
speaking about sound that was the first gig in which I didn't had to wear cotton wool for my ears!!! I've always done that because of the noise: I mean it's always too loud imo and it saturates and can't really hear the low pitches. the cotton wool actually kinda "cut" the high pitches a bit. (ok i know this sounds quite geek... :lol:)

@ishkur: hope you'll see them soon! as i said even for me it took a very very long time!!!
and yeah sweden is really great, i'm love with this country! :D
However, Didnt u think that H's guitar was a bit too loud...

i thought niklas's guitar could have used a bit more volume, so, well... i sort of agree, i guess. :)

I also REALLY missed somthing of "Haven", for example the titletrack!

not that i would have minded a few more (and particularly not not built to last), but they did play the wonders at your feet.
Thanks for the video! It sounds like a very powerful and atmospheric song in a live setting. I wish the video would have gone on a little longer, i have been wondering how the slow part is delivered, since it's kind of long. Is it the same as on the cd or shorter? Any input on that?
i have to admit i don't know all fiction parts by heart, but at least i didn't notice any difference.

and thanks for the video, Norberg.
Naleeeeeen !!!
Woah, that must have been awesome to see them in such a nice venue !
:D I'm starting to wonder why i went to see my boyfriend instead of them :D