ok, The gig in Hannover was like 3x better than in Tilburg because the crowd there went nuts! man I'm fucking bruised all over and I also have a bruised rib (wich really hurts evrytime I inhale and sneeze!) I was standing front row and it was really cool cuz that way you can really watch the hands of the guitar players, man I wish I could play like that I mean it was just freakin nuts the way the hands and fingers slide over the strings.
set list as I remember:
Lost to apathy
White noise/black silence
The wonders at your feet
The endless feed
Punnish my heaven
The new build
Scyte Rage and roses
One thought
The final ressistance
Scyte rage and roses was cool cuz mikael seemed to remember I liked it so much (told him personally in Tilburg)cuz when they played the song he often looked my way and I "sang" the last few lines with him in the mic. wich was really awesome! I hand my camera there but I was standing really close to a security guard and he told me it wasn't allowed, damnit . Anywayz this crowd was alot better than in holland and it was amazing how much applaus/cheering/screaming there was. It was worth hurting my rib over, and also the long drive there. kinda got lost on the way back cuz the battery of the pocket-pc died . I don't have a charger in the car cuz I'm borrowing it from my dad. but I got a map at a gas station and made it home anyway, after that was a few hours sleep and back to work. now I come back from work and i'm writing this. I also stayed for Kreator but only for a few songs because I was really tired and it was a long drive back, cool to see my speed guage at 225 on the german highway. Anywayz I had a blast and from now on I'm going to see them whenever they are near.
set list as I remember:
Lost to apathy
White noise/black silence
The wonders at your feet
The endless feed
Punnish my heaven
The new build
Scyte Rage and roses
One thought
The final ressistance
Scyte rage and roses was cool cuz mikael seemed to remember I liked it so much (told him personally in Tilburg)cuz when they played the song he often looked my way and I "sang" the last few lines with him in the mic. wich was really awesome! I hand my camera there but I was standing really close to a security guard and he told me it wasn't allowed, damnit . Anywayz this crowd was alot better than in holland and it was amazing how much applaus/cheering/screaming there was. It was worth hurting my rib over, and also the long drive there. kinda got lost on the way back cuz the battery of the pocket-pc died . I don't have a charger in the car cuz I'm borrowing it from my dad. but I got a map at a gas station and made it home anyway, after that was a few hours sleep and back to work. now I come back from work and i'm writing this. I also stayed for Kreator but only for a few songs because I was really tired and it was a long drive back, cool to see my speed guage at 225 on the german highway. Anywayz I had a blast and from now on I'm going to see them whenever they are near.