Your 1st DT album

Darth Jester

Oct 5, 2011
What was it? Are you an old time fan or a new comer...

I knew of DT after my (sort of) friend force fed Projector to me in late 90s, but I really got into DT after the release of Character, after an actual friend listened to it when I was visiting.

So my first one, that I bought, was Character (digipack :)) but not right away after it was released.
I think my first DT album was Damage Done, which I wasn't a huge fan of. Shortly after I got Fiction, which I liked much better.
I had heard a song or two from Skydancer, but I recall I wasn't too impressed back in the day. However, when a friend of mine got The Gallery in late 1995 I borrowed it from him and copied it on my old tape-recorder (I was a poor student back then and couldn't afford to buy the album). Next year I bought Enter Suicidal Angels MCD, it was among the first ten CDs I ever owned. Finally, The Mind's I was the first full-length DT-album I bought the day it was released here in Finland in early 1997.

The Mind's I in 99 :)
One of my best friends at that time came to me saying "you HAVE to listen to this stuff" and gave to me Minds I and Whoracle by In Flames, both fantastic albums to me. Then I was really hooked on "that stuff" and bought The Gallery and the Jester Race and fell definitely in love for DT (and still am :goggly:) and IF (not anymore, unfortunately :rolleyes:)
Construct about 10 months ago. I remember I heard Uniformity even sooner but wasn't very impressed with it. Then I heard it accidentally several weeks later, liked it more and listened to the whole album. Damage Done, We Are the Void and Fiction were the next, then Projector and Character, then Mind's I and Gallery. Haven was the last one, because I had read some negative czech reviews about it. I haven't listened to Skydancer properly yet. Just heard some songs and didn't like it much. Production and sound are too prehistoric :)
Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night. I had discovered Dark Tranquillity when Monochromatic Stains was played on Much Music's LOUD, and went online to and downloaded a few of their other offerings, and then illegally pirated a few more songs via Audiogalaxy Satellite. I decided their albums were definitely worth paying for, so 14-year-old me did a ton of work around the house to earn $25. Then I went to CD Plus with the intent of ordering Damage Done, but it wasn't out yet/not available, so I ordered Skydancer.

2002 was a good year.