It was August of 2001.. A friend from irc (aka TheMindzI in UM boards) tried to get me into metal, successfully as it seems..
The first song he sent me was Auctioned, i immediately loved Stanne's voice, i felt i was sinking in it..
Next was Lethe. The growls scared me, but i was challenged to be open-minded so i persisted..
The next step for me was to get hooked in Opeth, so DT was forgotten as a few mp3s in my hard drive, and in December i joined these forums and esp the Opeth one.
At some point as i was checking the DT forum i remembered about the DT mp3s i had, so gave em another listen and that was it..
The forum helped me a great lot to get into them coz it made me take the time and actually pay attention to the songs, trying to figure out what it was everyone was talking about in here..
The next step was to buy a DT album, it was Haven coz i was hooked with the same song. Then Projector, then Skydancer/Of Chaos, then The Gallery, TMI, and finally DD and watching them live in Athens..
All i need now is a shirt from them and i'll be in total bliss.