Man, what am I, Anthrax's publicist?

Well, rather than go with another major (mercury) where the band was afraid they would get buried again, they went with an indie, but an indie that they thought had thier shit together, and an indie with major distribution. Man, this deal wound up sucking. Tommy Boy records decided they wanted a hard rock label. Two guys who used to run Polygram back in the 80's hey day (they had the scorps, bon jovi, def leppard, and of course

kiss) wanted to run a label with thier expertise. The label was Ignition. To be run by the guys from Polygram back in the day, and to be an offshoot of Tommy Boy. The label needed a flagship band to anchor it, as most acts would be new groups, so they signed Anthrax. Well, midway thru the "tour of terror" in late 1998, Ignition lost it's funding, and alas, Anthrax had no label. And apparently they do not have the rights to
Volume 8: The Threat Is Real , as you can not get rights from a label that no longer exists

I'm no expert, and I don't manage bands, but I remember reading an interview where Scott pretty much said we turned down Mercury to get a label like Ignition, and I was thinking "not wise fellas" and then the label folded. They then signed with another indie, but this one is sort of pseudo major: Beyond, with distribution thru RCA. Beyond has a decent stable of bands (Motley Crue, Veruca Salt, Yes) but
Attack of the Killer A's , seemed to have no label support at all, none. I don't remember seeing any print ads at all. Come to think of it, I've never seen a Beyond ad for anything save for maybe some ads when Motley Crue released thier last album. Anthrax re-issued Stomp and Noise thru Beyond, but then decided they wanted a different label (negotiations for their newest record stalled for ever and ever, and I think Anthrax felt they weren't gonna get the support they wanted) So now they are with Sanctuary.