Stoner rock inside

I like the guitars. They're a good fit for the genre. Like you said the kick makes the 2 buss pump a bit too much. Also no a huge fan of the way the cymbals stick out. They sound very compressed (rock solid? That's one aspect I don't dig about Staub recent productions) and are fighting with the vocals.
(je ne te fais pas la traduction :) )
It's ok, but could be more natural I guess. The kick sample sound like straight outta deathcore, snare is also way to snappy and loud for my tastes. Drums too loud. Bass is not loud enough and not enough grunt. Guitars could be louder and more present. Vocals too loud.

I'm stone could, I know.
Thanks for your input.
The kick was indeed a bit clicky and the snare was a bit loud. I fixed this after my last post actually. I think it's not possible to get more natural feel really here as the drum progs are very mechanical and repetitive (and no, I won't rewrite their drums). I find the vocals are a not loud enough to be honest :D