Stoner rock

My favorite is the Spiritual Beggars disc Ad Astra. This is a side project for the Amott brothers who handle the guitars and is produced by Frederik Nordstrom.
The strange thing about stoner rock for me is that, when im actually stoned, it does nothing for me. I listen to lots of prog instead :)
they should rename prog rock stoner rock and call stoner rock fuzz rock :grin:
Fu Manchu is pretty cool.. kinda happy riff oriented rock. I dunno why these guys aren't all over radio.

Spirit Caravan is cool, I saw them open for COC and Clutch.. (Spirit Caravan and Clutch are both MD bands, btw)
Don´t forget Undia (John Garcia - ex - Singer in kyuss). Kyuss is by the way, THE Best Stoner band.
Also look into Desertsession - strange collaborations with Josh, and brant bjork

And if you havent figured that out
You saw Goblin two weeks ago where?

I think everyone has mentioned all the best ones.
For specific albums i'd go for..
Sleep - Jerusalem
High on Fire - Surrounded by Thieves
Orange Goblin - Big Black, Time Travelling Blues
Monster Magent - Superjudge
Cathedral - Ethereal Mirror, try and get the double EP titled Statik Majic