Stop Intelligence-Based Discrimination


Apr 17, 2005
Intelligence-based discrimination is a form of social injustice deeply entrenched in the modern society and impacting people's lives every day. Intelligence discrimination should be addressed the same way as race, gender or age discrimination and legislation shoulbe be enacted to ban unfair treatment because of intelligence, or preception of intelligence. Affirmative actions for disadvantaged people due to low intelligence are badly needed.

Therefore, we demand laws to ban discrimination based on IQ, perceived IQ or similar measures. We call on governments to implement policies prohibiting preferential treatments for people with high achievements or IQs. (Perceived) Intelligence should not be a factor in job application, scholarship application or school admission. Fools should not be afraid that showing their foolishness may have negative consequences.

We also calls for affirmative actions for fools. Foolish children should receive more lecture time from teachers. Test scores should be normalized against students' IQ. Fools should receive more relaxed standards for job performance, for example, more time to complete a task than that given to a "smart" person. Fools should receive more training from employers. Fools should not receive lower salaries than smart people. We call for government agencies to enforce these regulations and to accept complains from fools for intelligence discrimination.
Oh lookie, an Idiot got a hold of "A Theory of Justice".

This is the second worst idea I've ever heard in my entire life. The first was a suggestion that someone rip my arms off.

If you believe in this or support it, you need more than a brain.
I wouldnt mind seeing the SAT thrown out. I got a 1200, 780 verbal, 420 math (this was ten years ago); but, I received 5's on all AP tests, and almost perfect scores on the SAT II's (obviously not in math). Point being, my low capacity for mathematics totally fucked me over if I wanted to get into a Elite school--which apart from math, I should have.

Plus, I feel these SAT tests are bullshit: one, they reward persons who are good at test taking and can pick up the test makers formula; two, they reward non-creative thinking; three, they have nothing to do with IQ from my experience; and four, they promote sameness in thinking. Every artistic or creative person I know--even in science, scored above average, but not too high. These are the people who make a difference.
speed said:
I feel these SAT tests are bullshit: one, they reward persons who are good at test taking and can pick up the test makers formula; two, they reward non-creative thinking; three, they have nothing to do with IQ from my experience; and four, they promote sameness in thinking. Every artistic or creative person I know--even in science, scored above average, but not too high.

Industrial process, man. They don't want creative. They don't want genius. They want smart and follows orders, even the insane ones. SATs do their job. But yeah, I'd throw them out too, along with affirmative action and other sillinesses.

I agree with the two posts above.

Dumbasses (PC hounds, come get me!) should not be belittled (in public ;) ) BUT saying being a fool should not be a factor in rejection from jobs and scholarships is full-way retarded.

infoterror said:
Industrial process, man. They don't want creative. They don't want genius. They want smart and follows orders, even the insane ones. SATs do their job. But yeah, I'd throw them out too, along with affirmative action and other sillinesses.

SATs are known as crap to most intellegent people.

Believe it or not, my math ability has 1. nothing to do with either my fields (history and philosophy), and 2. very little to do with my every day life. People always use the "get back proper change" amount but i use a credit card. So, eh.

Affirmative action supporters are as racist as the KKK. And its a bad idea from a pragmatic point of view, as well.
What an absolutely insipid idea. Treating "lower intelligence" people equally to those who have a higher intelligence is ridiculous and placing someone of lower intelligence in a field which may require high intelligence opens another gate to problems. Tests are given to measure intelligence and gather solid data on how well a person is absorbing the information that is being given to them. If they are unable to properly demonstrate they have sound knowledge on a particular test, they should not be considered 'just as intelligent' as someone who put the effort into passing.

True, some people may be mentally disadvantaged due to their own uncontrollable medical conditions but these people already receive additional treatment and attention than regular people would. Mind you, Australia doesn't have the whole SATs, as far as I am aware. Regardless, even by your own requests, lesser intelligent people will receive different treatment than those who are smarter.

The same can go the other way - if intelligent people aren't allowed to do things based on their perception of others intelligence, or actual intelligence level, lower intelligence people should be disallowed from doing the same. The fact is, intelligence does set people apart, they aren't just the same thing as gender, race and age - all those things are uncontrollable issues. Gaining knowledge is optional and everyone has the ability to increase what they know and how they use it; everyone is always more intelligent or less intelligent than someone else, too. It'd be far too difficult to legalise either -you'd have to test everyone you met before you spoke to them and said anything which might be considered insulting to their intelligence level.

This is such a ridiculous idea, in my opinion.
A ridiculous topic indeed =D
Maybe, Americans had similar thoughts, when they elected their latest president? :)))
It's just like their political correctness towards black people. The war in Iraq may have started because of such kind of political correctness towards dumb people =) Indeed, why the dumb cannot afford to run for persidents? It's unfair! 8-DD
Suggestions like this can easily lead to chaos in the world, it's a complete absurd. Yes, it's not very polite to show your mental superiority, but I'd better not let the dumb rule the world.
infoterror said:
Industrial process, man. They don't want creative. They don't want genius. They want smart and follows orders, even the insane ones. SATs do their job. But yeah, I'd throw them out too, along with affirmative action and other sillinesses.

I feel so dirty because I agree with you. I've been trying to think of what standards universities should have. A seperate examination for each university, which seems a bit too much? I'm not familiar with what was done before the era of ACT's &SAT's. Was it just grades? Enlighten me please.
British universities employ a system where various subjects require certain grade structures to be achieved in the final two years of high school.

They are totally peculiar to each university also.

That allows for one to attend, say, oxford providing one has the required grades, proficiency in maths is not required if applying for a history degree, etc.
Final_Product said:
British universities employ a system where various subjects require certain grade structures to be achieved in the final two years of high school.

They are totally peculiar to each university also.

That allows for one to attend, say, oxford providing one has the required grades, proficiency in maths is not required if applying for a history degree, etc.

That sounds much more fair. Only design and art is of such a nature in the states: the best design schools will accept poor students if they have excellent portfolios and grades in art.
speed said:
That sounds much more fair. Only design and art is of such a nature in the states: the best design schools will accept poor students if they have excellent portfolios and grades in art.

Well, yeah...I regard it as fair. Elite universities also require interviews with possible candidates, though.

All in all, it's a more localised system. General intelligence and breadth of ability is looked upon well, but there is no impossibility in attending the very best school for an arts degree but sucking at maths.
Final_Product said:
Well, yeah...I regard it as fair. Elite universities also require interviews with possible candidates, though.

All in all, it's a more localised system. General intelligence and breadth of ability is looked upon well, but there is no impossibility in attending the very best school for an arts degree but sucking at maths.

I'm always amazed when I read the biographies of most great artists, writers, scientists even; it seems I always discover they fucked off in school. In the British case, alot of them fucked off until there was just two years to go in whatever your high school system is, and they needed to get into Oxford or Cambridge, and thus actually tried in school.
yes this topic is very stupid, i think we should take intellegence discrimination to extremes. Any stupid people should get killed. This should end rap and nu-metal, wouldn't that kick ass?
Final_Product said:
Well, yeah...I regard it as fair. Elite universities also require interviews with possible candidates, though.

All in all, it's a more localised system. General intelligence and breadth of ability is looked upon well, but there is no impossibility in attending the very best school for an arts degree but sucking at maths.

From the survey look I have taken at the British political system, your system seems to also be more localized, MP's walking around and talking to people. And Parliament is wonderful to watch. Perhaps that is a major problem here in the U.S, where we absolutely have a huge disconnect between our political systems and the needs of the people. Except when it comes to opposing gay marriage.
RookParliament said:
From the survey look I have taken at the British political system, your system seems to also be more localized, MP's walking around and talking to people. And Parliament is wonderful to watch. Perhaps that is a major problem here in the U.S, where we absolutely have a huge disconnect between our political systems and the needs of the people. Except when it comes to opposing gay marriage.

Well, I don't see how the autonomy of some should be reduced, because it does not sit comfortably with alot of folks. Especially when the issue is so relatively harmless. Gay marriage, thumbs up from me.

Also, the parliament system works no better. Local governments are often bloated and ineffective, and the national government is exactly the same.
Final_Product said:
Well, I don't see how the autonomy of some should be reduced, because it does not sit comfortably with alot of folks. Especially when the issue is so relatively harmless. Gay marriage, thumbs up from me.

Also, the parliament system works no better. Local governments are often bloated and ineffective, and the national government is exactly the same.

The gay marriage crack was meant to be sarcastic. Goverment needs to get out of people's live when it doesn't involve neccesary things.