Lies and Perfidy Gentleman of the Road Nov 27, 2002 9,312 103 63 38 Washington, Washing-Ton Jan 13, 2005 #21 I wonder how long it took that guy to realize that he's basically saying "This vehicle is an enormous pussy, and by association so am I"?
I wonder how long it took that guy to realize that he's basically saying "This vehicle is an enormous pussy, and by association so am I"?
NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins Jan 13, 2005 #22 How awesome would it be if that car rearended this one?
dill_the_devil Music Editor Jun 6, 2001 5,004 15 38 41 Darlaston, West Midlands, England Jan 14, 2005 #23 Best. Threadjack. Ever.