Karl Rove

lizard said:
he is somewhere in....a dusty province in a muslim country!
did you see the daily show after that press conference? rob corddry, "oh you want to see a map of where he is? ok, show him the map" (map flashes for a split second) "there you go!"
I'm sure John Kerry would have got him by now. :rolleyes: Very easy to criticize.

....and regarding that free speech comment...... I don't think spewing anti-American hate constitutes "free speech". "I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America".......not radical Islamic terrorists.
jageorge72 said:
....and please....... the mainstream media doesn't continually try to undermine GWB?
:lol: i know, seriously, what's up with that? i mean, have any of you ever watched a white house press conference? they really, er, put the irons to the bush administration don't they? :erk:
jageorge72 said:
The Dems have obstructed just about every single thing Bush has tried to accomplish. They will do the same thing to the new Rep president in 2008, because what there is no way they will win another election anytime soon.
number of first-term Bush judicial nominations blocked by dems: 10
number of Clinton judicial nominations blocked by repugnicans: 60

how's that foot taste?
the only member of the white house press corps who has shown any consistent balls the last five years is that old bag Helen Thomas. The mainstream press has given Bush such a free ride, its ridiculous, but they're finally awakening from their slumber.

the real reason they don't want to catch bin Laden: so they can use him as a boogie man. notice how during the run up to the election there were terror alert elevations every few weeks, and not a single one after? hmmmm.
dorian gray said:
^haha, back in his opeth-forum days, every single post was as good as that one. he was in school though and thus adhered to a strict drug regimen to keep his mind limber.
haha i didn't even see that post until now...actually i've been adhering to a far stricter drug regimen this summer, at school it's more of a liquid diet, if you will.
Lizard..... are you one of those angry "disenfranchised" Ohio voters?? :)

Back to Rove....... keep following it, and please..... tune in to Rush's radio show to hear what the media isn't telling you. Rove isn't going to jail. Rove isn't getting fired. Rove isn't sepping down. Rove didn't break the law.

After this is all over and Rove is cleared....... then tell me what you think of your trusted media.
lizard said:
he is somewhere in....a dusty province in a muslim country!

Keep an eye out for anyone wearing a turban and/or fluent in Arabic. Make notice of any trails of footrpints heading in and out of neighborhood caves. Also keep in mind he may have had plastic surgery in one of Kandahar's many cosmetic surgery centers...
cthulufhtagn said:
haha i didn't even see that post until now...actually i've been adhering to a far stricter drug regimen this summer, at school it's more of a liquid diet, if you will.
there are alot of strands in Duder's....err...cthulu's head. don't let your thinking get uptight.
jageorge72 said:
Lizard..... are you one of those angry "disenfranchised" Ohio voters?? :)

Back to Rove....... keep following it, and please..... tune in to Rush's radio show to hear what the media isn't telling you. Rove isn't going to jail. Rove isn't getting fired. Rove isn't sepping down. Rove didn't break the law.

After this is all over and Rove is cleared....... then tell me what you think of your trusted media.

Dude, stop making Central Pennsylvania look bad... ... it's embarrassing.
lizard said:
P.S. plus he's probably a Slippery Rock alum.

I moved south, but am currently back in PA on vacation.

I can't tolerate Ann Coulter AT ALL.

.....and I'm "laying Low"....... just waiting on the actual facts to come out, before I jump all over Karl Rove. ....unlike most people here. :Spin:
A little late, but.......BUMP! :heh:

BenMech said:
Karl Rove is guilty of High Treason.

He should be executed.

I'm not shitting you.

BLATANTLY risking the lives of MANY US operatives, whose job IS National security, for the purpose of personal and political game is a capitol offense.

Rove needs to be hung, gassed, injected, electrucuted, and shot.

Mormagil said:
Meanwhile people are serving jail time for playing much less significant roles in this case.


Pyrus said:

Limbaugh is a hypocritical, self-contradictory blowhard, and I hope being defended by the ACLU gives him a painful ulcer in his bloated stomach. The "liberal media" is as much a myth as the "conservative media," if not moreso–there are liberal and conservative elements to the major media, but the vast majority are far too concerned about advertisers and subscribers to take any sort of stand on either side. If Karl Rove purposefully compromised an American agent's identity for political reasons, I believe that is indeed treason.

How's the weather on your planet, dude?

lizard said:
fortunately, no thanks to the bible thumping conservatives, there is still free speech in this country.
Rove intentionally leaked a covert resource's name in order to discredit her husband, who was exposing Bush's lies. that is against a specific law. Funny how you conservatives sanction law breaking when it suits your own interests, ala Irancontra and ollie north.

You guys were fine examples of Bush-haters at their best. Feel left down by the media now? No Fitzmas? Awwww....