Karl Rove

^^a brief history of the united states:


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?




when will this shit ever end?


when will this shit ever end?


this shit is never going to end
^haha, back in his opeth-forum days, every single post was as good as that one. he was in school though and thus adhered to a strict drug regimen to keep his mind limber.
dorian gray said:
amazingly, the vast majority of my social circle voted for these retards (twice, of course). the exception would be us and our immediate family - about 6 people. i don't understand how bush-voters can take themselves seriously. when will this shit ever end?

The problem is........ the media says it, and 99% of you believe it. The media smells blood in the water, and is going all out to make Rove look bad.

For all of you Limbaugh bashers...... before you so quickly dismiss anything he has to say....... you should actually take a day and listen to his radio show. You will either pause and think.....hmmmm, maybe he's right? Or, you'll be fuming even more over what he says, because he tells you the facts about the story that the liberal press leaves out, and exposes the real motives behind the media. You are so blind in your hatred of Bush (and anyone associated with him, like Rove), that you don't care about the facts.

Let this Rove thing run its course...... he'll be cleared, and the motives of the media exposed.
Karl Rove is guilty of High Treason.

He should be executed.

I'm not shitting you.

BLATANTLY risking the lives of MANY US operatives, whose job IS National security, for the purpose of personal and political game is a capitol offense.

Rove needs to be hung, gassed, injected, electrucuted, and shot.
BenMech said:
Karl Rove is guilty of High Treason.

He should be executed.

I'm not shitting you.

BLATANTLY risking the lives of MANY US operatives, whose job IS National security, for the purpose of personal and political game is a capitol offense.

Rove needs to be hung, gassed, injected, electrucuted, and shot.

Do you subscribe to the Howard Dean & friends newsletter or something?? :err:
Tune in tomorrow @ 12:00 pm EST if you want to really know what's going on.

Limbaugh is a hypocritical, self-contradictory blowhard, and I hope being defended by the ACLU gives him a painful ulcer in his bloated stomach. The "liberal media" is as much a myth as the "conservative media," if not moreso–there are liberal and conservative elements to the major media, but the vast majority are far too concerned about advertisers and subscribers to take any sort of stand on either side. If Karl Rove purposefully compromised an American agent's identity for political reasons, I believe that is indeed treason.

How's the weather on your planet, dude?
Pyrus said:
If Karl Rove purposefully compromised an American agent's identity for political reasons, I believe that is indeed treason.

It possibly is treason. Read all the above posts...... as far as everyone else is concerned, he's already guilty.

You could also cry "treason" for Dick Durbin's comments as well. Why is Ward Churchill not in jail? Ted Kennedy?

....and please....... the mainstream media doesn't continually try to undermine GWB? No one will admit their bias. Forged documents? Just ask Dan "it's the seriousness of the charge" Rather. He'll say.... "Courage!"
jageorge72 said:
You could also cry "treason" for Dick Durbin's comments as well. Why is Ward Churchill not in jail? Ted Kennedy?
fortunately, no thanks to the bible thumping conservatives, there is still free speech in this country.
Rove intentionally leaked a covert resource's name in order to discredit her husband, who was exposing Bush's lies. that is against a specific law. Funny how you conservatives sanction law breaking when it suits your own interests, ala Irancontra and ollie north.

as for Dan Rather and CBS news, yes, their documents were bogus. that did not, however, negate the underlying truth of their story. and as for your so called liberal press, how come your idols in the white house let a fake gay prostitute reporter, Jeff Gannon, free access to press conferences, just to lob softball questions at Scotty McClellan?

pathetic. and in short order we will have the report card on this president, and it will show him to be the most inept in the last 100 years.
lizard said:
pathetic. and in short order we will have the report card on this president, and it will show him to be the most inept in the last 100 years.

I was reading something the other week (from your precious media) about about Bush's second term being considered "lame duck", which just makes me laugh. The Dems have obstructed just about every single thing Bush has tried to accomplish. They will do the same thing to the new Rep president in 2008, because what there is no way they will win another election anytime soon.
up is down and black is white in Republicanland.

Bush is the president. Republicans control the house and senate, and they still can't get anything done. when you control all three, and you still can't make it happen, something is seriously wrong. as for obstructionism, the Democrats have blocked less of a percentage of Bush's judicial nominees than the the Republicans blocked of Clinton's...

this is what we call in the Blue States, "I N E P T."

Where's Osama? oh that's right, we should be more concerned about buttfucking.