Stop your whining. Damnation is amazing.


Quiet, like a slit wrist
Jan 26, 2003
Greensboro NC
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The bottom line is this: If you respect an artist, you respect what they do for what it is. All this complaining people do about a record that isn't what THEY want it to be is pointless and childish. Opeth doesen't care what you think.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it - but don't assume that anyone gives a shit.
Threads like these are just as bad as the Damnation bashing ones. Point is, you're not saying anything constructive, whether you're criticizing or not and that isn't helping things at all.

Trying to assume whether or not Opeth care about what we think is pretty empty, and just shows that you have a lack of points to argue what you're saying... also are you telling me that you like Opeth's stuff because it ISN'T what you WANT it to be?

Damnation's been growing on me lately, and I like it despite having such a negative disposition early on... however I still see flaws with it and think that Opeth COULD HAVE done better with what they were trying to achieve (yes, I KNOW that it was MEANT to be as it is, but I think with the guidelines they had, they could have made it somewhat better).

Also, to count one, I do care what people think... I think it's insightful to listen to others and absorb their points of view as opposed to being veiled up in ignorance.
CladInDarkness said:
Respect does not equal liking the music an artist produces.
If you don't like what others say, don't read their posts.

True, but respect DOES equal being open minded toward the work that artists do. When a person talks about liking a band and then rips on their work just to piss people off, that shows a lack of respect for the statement the artist is making.

Why bother listening to a progressive band if you're going to be upset every time they do something different?
Moonlapse said:
Threads like these are just as bad as the Damnation bashing ones. Point is, you're not saying anything constructive, whether you're criticizing or not and that isn't helping things at all.

Trying to assume whether or not Opeth care about what we think is pretty empty, and just shows that you have a lack of points to argue what you're saying... also are you telling me that you like Opeth's stuff because it ISN'T what you WANT it to be?

Damnation's been growing on me lately, and I like it despite having such a negative disposition early on... however I still see flaws with it and think that Opeth COULD HAVE done better with what they were trying to achieve (yes, I KNOW that it was MEANT to be as it is, but I think with the guidelines they had, they could have made it somewhat better).

Also, to count one, I do care what people think... I think it's insightful to listen to others and absorb their points of view as opposed to being veiled up in ignorance.

frayededges said:
True, but respect DOES equal being open minded toward the work that artists do. When a person talks about liking a band and then rips on their work just to piss people off, that shows a lack of respect for the statement the artist is making.

Why bother listening to a progressive band if you're going to be upset every time they do something different?

Just bashing someone without proof is one thing, but if you have an argument it is quite fine. You listen to find out if you like it to broaden your horizon, to atleast say you have heard it. There even may be a chance that one may ike it
I like Damnation a helluva lot. However, that doesn't give me the right to totally disrespect the honest opinion of other Opeth fans. This thread reeks of the type of dick-headish-ness I assume you are trying to condemn. :yuk:
Of course we respect Opeth! But that doesn't mean we can't share our opinions. i know Opeth doesn't care about what we think... but that can't stop us for giving opinions! Many fans have high expectations about this album so when it didn't meet certain expectations, it causes some dissapointments. especially in the case of Opeth, coz' this band never ceases to amaze us. How pointless and childish opinions can be? You said you like the new album, that's an opinion! is that pointless and childish?

just for the record, I enjoy Damnation!
Moonlapse said:
Trying to assume whether or not Opeth care about what we think is pretty empty, and just shows that you have a lack of points to argue what you're saying... also are you telling me that you like Opeth's stuff because it ISN'T what you WANT it to be?

I've read your posts before, Moonlapse, and I know that you have an intelligent approach - and thus I respect your opinion.

However, I think my point is pretty evident, and doesen't warrant explaining.

As for Opeth not caring what we think, it's not an assumption - Mikael has said repeatedly in interviews (from as far back as Morningrise) that neither he, nor the rest of the band care whether or not people like everything they do. They do what they do because they love it, not to please the fans.

I like Opeth's stuff because it is what it is - and I respect them both as artists and for their refusal to pander to an audience's whims.
If Opeth doesn't care what we think then he shouldn't give a fuck about being disrespected...which is why I wonder you care so much about that when Mikael couldn't care less?
Moonlapse said:
Also, to count one, I do care what people think... I think it's insightful to listen to others and absorb their points of view as opposed to being veiled up in ignorance.

I agree. One person told me that "Damnation is shitty and boring. If you want to hear something good and mellow, get Alice In Chains- Unplugged." That statement was the dumbest piece of information I have received in my life.
Master Ritch said:
Of course we respect Opeth! But that doesn't mean we can't share our opinions. i know Opeth doesn't care about what we think... but that can't stop us for giving opinions! Many fans have high expectations about this album so when it didn't meet certain expectations, it causes some dissapointments. especially in the case of Opeth, coz' this band never ceases to amaze us. How pointless and childish opinions can be? You said you like the new album, that's an opinion! is that pointless and childish?

just for the record, I enjoy Damnation!

Mostly, I'm addressing threads like alteredminddeath's where he rants on about how everyone can kiss his ass because he thinks damnation sucks and he doesen't care if he hurt your feelings for saying so and he gives the middle finger to anyone who disagrees, etc. That's not an intelligent argument, that's just someone yelling because the record didn't live up to THEIR expectations.

Art is supposed to challenge the viewer (or listener)...
Tell me what is intelligent about pulling the exact opposite of what he is doing, to say no one gives a fuck about whether you DON'T like it...thus being hypocritical, and acting just like alteredmind!?
frayededges said:
I've read your posts before, Moonlapse, and I know that you have an intelligent approach - and thus I respect your opinion.

However, I think my point is pretty evident, and doesen't warrant explaining.

As for Opeth not caring what we think, it's not an assumption - Mikael has said repeatedly in interviews (from as far back as Morningrise) that neither he, nor the rest of the band care whether or not people like everything they do. They do what they do because they love it, not to please the fans.

I like Opeth's stuff because it is what it is - and I respect them both as artists and for their refusal to pander to an audience's whims.

But fans here don't bitch about Damnation so Mikael and co. can read our post! We give opinions so other fans can hear us out and give their own opinions.
Static said:
If Opeth doesn't care what we think then he shouldn't give a fuck about being disrespected...which is why I wonder you care so much about that when Mikael couldn't care less?

Static, I care because there is one particular post ("dumbnation") wherein the person claims to be a "real" Opeth fan, rips on "fake" "newbs" and then proceeds to tear into damnation. It's one thing not to like them, or to have an opinion. It's another to go on a rant about an album by a band who makes it their business to push their own boundaries. That's always been understood about Opeth. So why the complaints? It makes no sense.

I really DON'T care as much as you seem to think I do. That's why the first post was so short.
frayededges said:
Mostly, I'm addressing threads like alteredminddeath's where he rants on about how everyone can kiss his ass because he thinks damnation sucks and he doesen't care if he hurt your feelings for saying so and he gives the middle finger to anyone who disagrees, etc. That's not an intelligent argument, that's just someone yelling because the record didn't live up to THEIR expectations.

Art is supposed to challenge the viewer (or listener)...

Yeah! i read his post and i think his a stupid fuck! but you got everyone here confused on who you're addressing your post. I don't normally post here but when i read your post, it hit me and i have to reply!
Static said:
Tell me what is intelligent about pulling the exact opposite of what he is doing, to say no one gives a fuck about whether you DON'T like it...thus being hypocritical, and acting just like alteredmind!?

This is supposed to be a board for people who LIKE Opeth, last I checked.
frayededges said:
Static, I care because there is one particular post ("dumbnation" ) wherein the person claims to be a "real" Opeth fan, rips on "fake" "newbs" and then proceeds to tear into damnation. It's one thing not to like them, or to have an opinion. It's another to go on a rant about an album by a band who makes it their business to push their own boundaries. That's always been understood about Opeth. So why the complaints? It makes no sense.

I really DON'T care as much as you seem to think I do. That's why the first post was so short.

Perhaps as a 'real' Opeth fan he is so fucked-off at Damnation he can't help but get all offensive about it?

Or maybe hes an asshole.

At any rate, this thread is still hypocritical, then again, it is a bit easier to respect as you are being alot less of an asshole than alteredmind.