
Hmmm, I didn't know Storm, or just any member of those guys were nazis.... that's sad, actually, cause I liked the album :cry:

What are Satyricon about then? They were the same people as Storm, aren't they? :confused:

Well, Morgana, about that links about NSBM.... I think there are also many bands that despise nazis that can be found there, especially Viking or Pagan Metal bands... I know that from Menhir, cause there are several nazis showing up at their gigs and they are liked by many nazis, I think... Menhir do no way like this, fortunately, and it's just making me mad to see them liked by such bastards, really :mad: (I was not trying to defend Fenriz, tho... I dunno if he's nazi or not.)
I don't have any Darkthrone albums in my collection, so I can't say anything about the band nor their music & lyrics...
I do have the Strom album, because it got heartly recommend to me... but I don't really dig into it... somehow it's not really my cup of tea / sort of beer. :grin:
Originally posted by Luguber
Of course, I don't know if this is the meaning Fenriz intended. He certainly wrote more openly racist lyrics for certain Darkthrone songs; "Over Fjell Och Gjennom Torner" from _Transilvanian Hunger_ in particular ...

Ya, but these lyrics are mainly not written by
Fenriz. "Oppi Fjellet" was changed a lot, and he
added blåman :o) I think that Storm is more
"romantic" music than Darthrone and that's why
there aren't any really open racial things in the
lyrics. But I think they have chosen that
"Noregsgard" for a reason >:oP

I feel your "pain" here AnsuzAstral >:o( I hate
that all these nazi's are using the folk things in
their hate. We have a group here called Vigrid
and they do everything for Odin! I'm like, what
does Odin have to do with getting everyone
from Pakistan etc out of Norway? It's horrible :o(
I do have many Darkthrone cd's and I don't think their lyrics is racist at all. It's more towards satanism and darkness.
But storm was created when these guys were really young. NOw they are very different. Sadly you can tell in the new direction Satyricon's music have taken....

As long that the band does not state it clairly that they are racist I don't care. But racism and prejuidices have no place in the music. Well that's what I think anyway :)
NSBM pisses me off...its so hypocritical...they basically say "we are elite, only intelligent free-thinkers are allowed to like us. Except you ,you, you, and you. even though you're intelligent free thinkers, you're not white so you can't like us."
Well, that Noregsgard... When is it from? All these other songs are from "nasjonalromantikken" anyway, so if Noregsgard is, to... Well, back then the norwegians had just left Denmark, and was under Sweden, and the ppl (the nor. ppl) wanted everything to be real nor. They longed for that time before 1350, and Noregsveldet. The great nor. kings, the vikings and such. Those kings were not nobles; they were not of "blue blood". The ones who ruled Norway were, though. Both the swe. nobles and the dan. nobles. (There never were any realnobles in Nor.) That way, bluemen might mean everything/everyone that/who is not pure nor.! -Maybe. But back then, there were no nazis, so if the lyrics in Noregsgard is the originals, then it have to mean smth else.

But what Fenriz thinks of different things, is smth else. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with choosing just these song - after all, there's lots of ppl who love these song, who are nowhere near being nazis, or even racists.
I am quite sure that the blueman thingie indeed is about africans... We have a word in Swedish with a resamblence, and one of my childhood friends ( childohood, I don´t meet him anymore ) is some kind of nazi, and he was always talking about "getting those darn blueheads out of the country" also redheads where comunists or other "red" ppl...

the thing with the urban-living africans has nothing to do with it.. The fjälls are representing Norway, the old and tr00 NOrway, the blueheads and christians are the new and hated Norway, thus not tr00 and therfore without a right to live... Or something..:)

Anyways.. My friend listened to Storm, and they are regarded Nazi music, at least around here... Tvi vale!

-phyros ( adding a cent here and there... )
Two bands named "Storm," both of whom seem to be embroiled in the NSBM debate? Was this just coincidence, or did one see the other and name themselves after them?
well NEITHER band by the same name is worth a damn if all they do is contribute to the promotion of ignorance and hate. I wouldn't waste my time downloading that shit. I don't care HOW good they might be musically, if they spread something negative then they are worthless and I for one could not be less interested in hearing what they have to say in music or otherwise.
Satyricon is Misanthrophic , in general that means hatred for all mankind.
And keep in mind there is a BIG difference between National Romanticism and National Socialism....
I've heard two rumors as to Kari Rueslatten's involvement with Storm:

A- She got involved because she was sympathetic with the political concepts of the project

B- She wasn't aware of that aspect until afterwards, and she got so pissed she's had nothing to do with metal since.

Either correct?