Strange 5150 problems


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Ok so I rarely bust this guy out, but I decided to give it another shot now that I got my Mesa OS.

Basically, my problem is this:

- FX Loop doesnt work properly. The last few times I've used it, I had to run from Preamp Out instead of my FX Send......Then, last band practice, none of that worked. Once before during a recording session, everything sounded fine. Turned everything off for the night, came back a day or 2 later, and somehow the FX Loop had been switched on/off which was causing a huge drop in volume.

- Remote switch jack is finnicky. Last practice I had to plug in a footswitch just to change the channel, removed the footswitch (stupid story, other guitarist needed it) and everything was fine. Take a 5 min break, come back and amp is reallllly quiet at the same volume it was at previously, didn't touch a single thing. Found out that I had to basically have a footswitch plugged in or a dummy cable plugged into the footswitch jack at all times. If I plug the switch in, I can change channels, but as soon as I remove the switch, the volume drops insanely.

Going to get my hands on some contact cleaner as well as retube in the near future.


Super retarded problems happening with my Remote Switch and FX Loop. HALP!
I think I read that the FX Loop problem can be solved by plugin a cable in and out a few times.
You know, same as during le sexy time^^
I think I read that the FX Loop problem can be solved by plugin a cable in and out a few times.
You know, same as during le sexy time^^

Tried, no luck. It seems as though the problem has gotten progressively worse. Like I said, I use this amp maybe once a year. Just figured I'd ask around here before sending to get serviced. And I must say, the Mesa cab makes this thing sound WAY better than the old 5150 cab I used. I about hated the tone previously, and now it's got some character! Too bad it's the same character as every other metal guy! :lol:
It works so well for a reason man.

And you still can get different tones out of that combination, even with a mahagony/81 guitar.
It's not 180° different tone, but it's certainly more than one tone to get out of.
The top and bottom speakers in my cab sound totally different in the hi mids (my cab is slant).

In the room and during rehearsal it's quite a standard tho :lol:
But I hauled my cab to a gig last week first time in ages and BOY, I had such an awesome tone compared to the lat few gigs (mostly marshall cabs around there). :rock:
The problem can be solved by (...) in and out a few times (...) same as during le sexy time^^

Mago, I had to copy that to my sig


funny thing is that Los has already been closer to my penis than you'd think (no homo, and godamn that sound weird if you don't get the reference).

And yeeeha, I got sig'ed by making a penis reference. Awesome!
May my children forgive me for what I have started this day :D

So... if I say "Genitalia" in front of a mirror 3 times, will you guys show up?