Strange problem with my ssl comp


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Since I moved into a new place with my studio...some things are acting weird.

When I use my ssl comp on the 2nd bus and switch to mono it's phasing like hell, there is no voice, no snare, no kick.

first I thought this is a routing problem in total mix/matrix, but a friend of mine said it could actually be the cables I'm using. I usually make new cables whenever I get some new outboard stuff, but now I was mixing them up. Is it possible that one of the cables has switched phase and it cancels out when listening in mono?
thanks, will do! I always have to look up how I have to connect my cables... always thought when they're working it's fine. They all need to be connected in the same way, right?
Since I moved into a new place with my studio...some things are acting weird.

When I use my ssl comp on the 2nd bus and switch to mono it's phasing like hell, there is no voice, no snare, no kick.

first I thought this is a routing problem in total mix/matrix, but a friend of mine said it could actually be the cables I'm using. I usually make new cables whenever I get some new outboard stuff, but now I was mixing them up. Is it possible that one of the cables has switched phase and it cancels out when listening in mono?

If you've got no voice, snare, & kick...sounds like the left and right are 180 degrees out of phase. Everything in the center is cancelled out. If you made the cables yourself...then try swapping them. Sounds like you got some leads reversed when making a cable.
that should be right?
