Strapping Young Lad – SYL


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Strapping Young Lad – SYL
Century Media – 17th February 2002
By Russell Garwood

Devin Townsend is back, this time with "SYL" in Strapping Young Lad guise. Offering eclectic, undiluted extremity drawing from all aspects of metal, this anger-fuelled recording was inspired by the events of September 11th 2001. The band’s line-up stands as Devin on vocals, guitars and keyboards, drummer Gene Hoglan of Dark Angel, Death and Testament fame, Jed Simon on guitar and bassist Byron Stroud. The music has technical elements, and merges thrash-like drums, frenzied bass work, unforgiving guitar lines and vocals that vary from semi-guttural growls to almost power-metal like singing.

Each song transcends several metal genres, moving between each with a grace that makes such variety seem completely natural, all gelled by Devin’s impressive compositional skills and excellent production. The remarkably clear, well-balanced recording courtesy of Armoury Studios, helps "SYL" fly by in a violent, vengeful assault. Standout tracks include the decidedly melodic final song, "Bring On The Young", and the unforgiving technicality of aptly titled "Relentless". This is a solid album, a must for any Strapping Young Lad fans, and a release many other fans of extreme music will appreciate. How it compares to his previous work I will let you decide for yourself..
Just bought 'SYL' this weekend, and I agree with every word of the review - 'Relentless' really lives up to its name... like being pinned to a wall by machine-gun fire! The melody that Devin weaves into the songs never compromises the extremity of their assault either. Great stuff...
reckless.. i agree with you that this is a fine album, but it isnt a great step forward by any means at all, it seems to be almost a 'city mark 2' , but since having seen SYL on tour for this album i can safely say the new material comes across as very good, powerfull metal in the live setting.
this release has maybe 3 tracks which are memorable the stand out is obviously the one with the mention of bombing your foes otherwise this album should end up where it deserves in the used cd bin
you're only just starting to rip the hell out of a damn good album now, 3/4 of a year after it came out?

god you guys are fucking lame. Not even as though any of your critique was even constructive.
Alex78 said:
I think removing all the industrial influences was a mistake. it's more like a thrash album this way. City is just stronger

there's still a bevy of keyboards etc on SYL... and besides if he'd have written 'City Part 2' he'd have been the subject of ridicule anyway.

Seems he can't win with you guys. :hypno:
some ppl (many) cant just appreciate genius , although unusual , pieces of art (that it be music or anything else) psyklonic said , no constructive comments , id even say , no worthy comments.
its a solid album sometimes it sounds a little slick for its own good but thats about the only way i could fault it. it occurred to me that whilst so many bands of comparable scale have gone to shit strapping never did. look at the kind of crap fear factory put out for example...