Strapping Young Lad - The New Black

Strapping Young Lad - The New Black
Century Media - Catalogue Number 77727-P - Release Date 17.07.2006
By Paul Raw Nerve


Quick question to those who don't know Strapping Young Lad by now. Where the hell have you been? One of the biggest metal bands on the planet return with an album that looks set to propel them through the tattered ozone layer into realms unchartered. Devin and the boys have quite possibly THE most instantly recognisable sound and style, in both playing and production, and this continues on the same theme to their previous releases.

Lots of mechanical edged rhythms, plenty of incredibly dynamic atmospheres, huge riffs and grooves, and the usual mix of sheer rage (see 'Antiproduct' and 'Wrong side' for examples of Devin venting brilliantly), and absolutely original quirkiness that doesn't annoy like most quirkiness does ('Monument' and 'Far Beyond Metal' (a song most fans should be familiar with from old live recordings). The more obsessive fans of SYL (and indeed Devy in general, as all his side projects and solo works are completely essential also) will not be disappointed with this.

There are plenty of traits of the past still involved in the make up of 'The New Black's sound, and for new fans, this is one of the new breed of releases you need to feed your growing love for a genre that SYL have thoroughly helped to shape.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Strapping Young Lad Website
Official Century Media Website
damn, you did alot of reviews didnt you? anyway, another correct rating. I liked the album, and this one wasnt as crappy as past ones.
heh, this is the first lot i've been sent by russell, just did it to help him out as i've got through most of the raw nerve backlog (around 75 reviews going up now that i've posted these up!)...
hopefully i can do some more whenever the need arises..
cheers for the comment though, appreciated.

i can see this album getting quite a few plays around my cd player, certainly something for all on it.
You Suck! Great track, haha.... Although I thought The New Black took somewhat of a backwards step from Alien, it still kicks butt. City is still their best album though.
Oinkness said:
By chance did you forget about 2003's Strapping Young Lad, their self-titled full-length? :)

Nope, actually like it better. Atleast it doesn't sound gimmicky. It sounds angry and whole-hearted.
The song You Suck really reminded me of God Hates Us All by Slayer, and I can't get out of my head that it seems a formulaic rip off of that song. ie. Worked for them ... should work for us. I dunno, maybe I'm being harsh.
This album is great! There are some really killer songs (Wrong Side, Hope and the last three) but there are some that drag behind a bit. Definitely worth getting for fans of their older albums.