Strapping Young Lad: All Hail The New Black

Can someone clarify the "Far Beyond Metal" thing for me? They play it on the live DVD (released 2003 or 2004 I believe) but it's just now showing up on an album? Or am I wrong? What's the deal?
Yeah, it's the first studio recorded version, because originally it was a live-only song with Devin making the lyrics up on the spot the first time they played it (I think it was on the No Sleep... live album)
Well, I've listened to it a few times, and I have to say (much as it may make NFU and others cringe), I really like it. I think this album has a lot more groove than their others. I especially like Gene's drumming, I think he mixes up his style a lot more this time round. Shows a much greateer dynamic to his playing. Not the best record they have done, but a solid and enjoyable record all the same.

But I don't think it will make my top 10 records of the year, like I was hoping it might. That said, I think we've had a particularly good year for albums.
^ SYL are a decent band, and people shouldn't fear the NFU-hate for liking them - opinions are much like ringpieces in that everyone has one. Sure, some of them stink but other people can stuff theirs. I don't think it's as good as Alien, although it has some good moments.
I think Heckelgruber has massive buttocks. :D

Oh, and TNB is still grand still. I think it will be one of my bests of the year. It's just so playable, singalongy, and FUN. All hail the old Dev.
its just wasted talent to me. ive never enjoyed bands that make "funny" music. metal is already cheesey and hilarious enough as it is, whats the point of actually making a concious mockery out of it? whats left? except some heavy nonsense riffs, some double bass and a toothless weasle screaming about "you fucking suck" or whatever it is he yells in that band. devin is a talented guy...but when it comes to SYL, i really wish he would stop squandering that talent on such a garbage "concept". i cant get behind it.
I see where you're coming from NFU, but when I listen to SYL, I find that the 'joke' aspect only really takes up less than half the songs. Not the sharpest band lyrically, but it's not all a joke. Some of the talent is put to good use.

Take, for example, a song like 'Skeksis', from 'Alien'. I don't really see how the song is 'joke metal', and Devin's talent, which you have acknowledged, is put to good use with some interesting riffs and cool vocal harmonies.

I can see how songs like 'You Suck' would irritate you, but do you genuinely see nothing more in the band than a joke? If so... fair enough I guess.
oh i realize its not PURELY a "joke" band. but the fact that a lot of it is...means i just wont put forth the time to listen to it or put up with it. not to mention even if you took out all the joke stuff, the band just doesnt do anything for me. i really dont NEED numerous metal bands to listen to, for when it comes down to it, strapping young lad really isnt all that different from a lot of other metal acts. heavy riffs. screaming. double bass. etc. So id rather just listen to something that i dont feel i need to pick apart and "put up with".