STRATOVARIUS reunite and begin working on new material


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
The classic STRATOVARIUS lineup of Timo Tolkki (guitar), Timo Kotipelto (vocals), Jörg Michael (drums), Jari Kainulainen (bass) and Jens Johansson (keyboards) has reunited and is currently working on completely new material for release in late 2005/early 2006.

"Since his breakdown in April, we have patiently been waiting for Timo Tolkki's health to improve. It has been, and since about six weeks he has been strong enough to go back to work," reads a joint statement from the group.

"Also during the past months, after much talk, soul-searching and reflection most of the damage within the band has been repaired. The rest of us now understand Timo's condition, and have slowly come to terms with it. There has been forgiveness, and everyone has a good relationship again.

Many of the immense problems we were facing have now found concrete solutions."

I am so excited about this news. Stratovarius is one of my favorite power metal bands and I was worried at one point they would never get their shit together. I hope their new stuff rocks hard and is better than the two Elements albums, not that they were bad just not what we've come to expect from Strato releases. I sure hope Glenn H. has these boys lined up for ProgPower this year in Atlanta.
I really think that Stratovarius will be the ProgPower suprise this year. This year has the potential to beat ProgPower3 which featured Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Angra, Edguy, Silent Force, Pain of Salvation, Devin Townsend, etc.

My predictions for this year include Stratovarius, Angra, Symphony X, Evergrey, Masterplan, Sonata Arctica, and Therion.
real good news....I just hope to see some stuff as good as Stratofortress, or Speed of Light and songs like that
Hey, maybe that treatment unleashed some crazy-ass psycho straitjacket souldemons locked inside Tolkki's disintegrating mind and now Stratovarius will become a hyperblasting power-death-jazz fusion hybrid bent on total metal domiantion!




Oh. Well, dreaming never hurts.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Hey, maybe that treatment unleashed some crazy-ass psycho straitjacket souldemons locked inside Tolkki's disintegrating mind and now Stratovarius will become a hyperblasting power-death-jazz fusion hybrid bent on total metal domiantion!




Oh. Well, dreaming never hurts.

Hahaha, Yeah, but I like many kind of metal music, from death to power metal. And I kinda appreciate old Stratovarius... no need of a new jazz death thing...hehe But that could sound good hehehe.
Stratovarius's first album is their best. Everything afterwards was just a gradual downward fall into a terminally boring and flowery abyss.
im glad to see he is doin better. they may not be the best power metal band, but they are pretty damn good and fun to rock out to.