Stratovarius is back!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
After all the turmoil of 2004, we are happy to announce that Stratovarius has reunited with the classic line-up: Timo Tolkki, Timo Kotipelto, Jörg Michael, Jari Kainulainen and Jens Johansson.

Since his breakdown in April, we have patiently been waiting for Timo Tolkki's health to improve. It has been, and since about 6 weeks he has been strong enough to go back to work.

Also during the past months, after much talk, soul-searching and reflection most of the damage within the band has been repaired. The rest of us now understand Timo's condition, and have slowly come to terms with it. There has been forgiveness, and everyone has a good relationship again.

Many of the immense problems we were facing have now found concrete solutions.

Lastly, we can announce that work is already in progress on completely new material.


Could it be possible that they might play progpower? :worship: :worship: :notworthy :notworthy :kickass: :kickass:
dargormudshark said:
There has been forgiveness, and everyone has a good relationship again.

I am not a huge Stratovarius fan, but I respect them a lot for reconciling. I think it's cool that they were able to get back together - stronger than ever, I hope - after a bumpy last year.
It will be interesting to see how Timo's experiences over the past two years will translate into music. Strat's last albums have been quite stagnant IMO. Maybe this is what the band needed to get them on a fresh path not yet traveled.
This whole breaking up and immediately getting back together thing seems like a publicity stunt to me.
Something they decided to do to get themselves back in the spot light.

That is what I thought when I saw that picture of that girl who was supposed to be the new singer. It seemed too outrageous to be real. This just confirms it.

So now when they tour it will be a Stratovarius "reunion" tour. It will draw more attention.
You should have to be broken up for at least a few years before you can call getting back together a reunion.
ReaLM said:
This whole breaking up and immediately getting back together thing seems like a publicity stunt to me.
Something they decided to do to get themselves back in the spot light.

That is what I thought when I saw that picture of that girl who was supposed to be the new singer. It seemed too outrageous to be real. This just confirms it.

So now when they tour it will be a Stratovarius "reunion" tour. It will draw more attention.
You should have to be broken up for at least a few years before you can call getting back together a reunion.

I don't want to be believe this is true, being a Stratovarius fan and whatnot, however, it is quite possible. I hope not, but, if I found out it was, I would not be all that surprised.
I'll bet the guys from Strato are laughing their asses off right now.

There's no way any of that stuff was real. From Tolkki seeing jesus and pouring blood on himself and taking pictures to MissK to Jens peeing on Tolkki to this magical reunification; it was all a clever publicity stunt to make up for their less-than-stunning past two releases. I've lost a lot of respect for the band because of this.

Don't be fooled.
Stratovarius fucking rules and are one of my number one favorite bands. I really hope they can do something like Blind Guardian did... make your first US show be ProgPower and then right after that embark on a US tour.

I was just listening to Twilight Time last night. Such an awesome album. If they tour I would kill to hear the boys do "Break The Ice" and "Madness Strikes At Midnight".