Strong deep vocals, Epic/dark themes, New to Metal


New Metal Member
May 14, 2012
Ive recently fallen in love with the whole concept of metal and the people who love it... Im not a music guy, but with the proper sub-genere, I could be... Im new to this, so bear with me.

My first Metal band I was introduced to was Iced Earth. And I love them and similar bands for their lyrics. The Courage and vision to talk about life, death, gods, god, satan, love, ect... However, the lyrics are not quite clear enough for me. I like A song I Can understand the lyrics pretty much right away.
Also, my ideal band(s) would have a singer with a pretty deep masculine voice.
Perhaps like an english version of Rammstein, but I dont speak German, so I dont know how easy he is to hear really.

I also really like System Of a Down's way of it. But again, they really dont have the metal themes I love... Though the did abit in their Toxicity album

I also really like Transiberiam Orchestra, But quite against my will as they are rather the reverse of what im looking for in terms of theme. Im a member of the TOS ( And its a little annoying to put them up on pandora and get Christian rock back.:Shedevil:

Not sure what else to say that might prompt suggestions.

I want to hear the story in the lyrics and have it take me away into the darkness where only true depth and wisdom can be found.
I would rather have my mind and spirit sour then just my blood pumping, Though that can be just fine too.

Thank you for your time.
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Hope theres more. Both of those bands dissolved due to dead vocalists. :bah:
And I wounder if there is much similar to that, but more in the black/epic lyrical themes.

But those sound excellent. Your definitly helping me in the right direction. Thank you.:devil:

Going to take a stab at trying out the termonology here.
Perhaps what I am looking for is gothic/doom/symphonic style of music with clean vocals that use black themes of romance/love, the quest of the individual, the gods and anti-christian themes while avoiding too much focus on doom/despair/depression.

Though anything that fits the description at the end of my last post works too, and I will definitely be adding the above suggested bands to my list.
Ah, i know just the band! Venom!

Especially their album "Black Metal". Reasonably dark lyrics, mainly about Satan and stuff, and despite all that, they were one of the most influential bands back in the 80s
Actually I think that might be a step further away from what im looking for. Their lyrics seem to want to throw satan and darkness in there just for the sake of musc, because they seem to think it needs it.

Where as im more interested in the taboo of real truth and wisdom in darkness... Also, I prefer music not to be so in love with itself. I want my metal to take me away from the music and tell me a story of a past place where men were gods. Venom seems to want to grab you by the head, keep you in the here and now and say "This is music! This is black metal! Love it, Love it, Love it!"

Which is good sometimes, Just not what im looking for right now.

Also, mine is a more individualistic and moral bit of satanism. I cant really connect with the "I am evil, I drink the blood of children, and Satan is my lord and master" side of things.
I love it. Lacks the optimistic darkness feel im lookinf for though.

Man. So many awesome bands skirting around the edges of what I want, but none quite hitting the mark... Looks like ill just have to learn how to play some sort of instrument and create my own band... Too bad I dont have talent.

I also like the feel of this:

Also, I wounder what a band like NightWatch would be like with a dude vocalist. Someone like the main vocalist from Type 0 Negative or Death stars.

Thanks for helping me out with this guys. Im finding the metal universe much more expansive then I had originally thought.
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Though I dont think any one band will encompass everything im looking for.
But you know what? Thats just peachy. Its good to keep variable.

Just found this though... If anything thus far hits the bullseye, this does. Love it.



This sort of Viking hero metal seems to take me right where I want to be.
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The last few Kamelot discs might be right up your alley. Khan uses a lower voice quite often. Listen to "rule The World", "Eden Echo", "The Great Pandemonium" ...