Stuck in a musical rut.


I may deserve this
Aug 21, 2005
Ann Arbor
Alright, I've been playing guitar for about four years and I love it, but lately it feels as if I've hit a barrier in my progression. It's nothing to do with my technique because that is what I have been practicing the most over the past four years. It's just I can't seem to find inspiration when I'm writing music.

Has anyone here experienced this? And if so what did you do to help yourself to get over it?

Please help me!
It means you suck and you have to stop.

Just kidding, it happens to everyone just keep playing and don't get discouraged. Also, listen to some new music and learn to play it to get new ideas.
Just mix up what you usually listen to, try some classical, some jazz, some reggae, some classic rock...whatever just shake it up and maybe learn some ideas from those genres, and maybe that'll kickstart your mind and musical progression. Or maybe, even try some drugs..that worked for me.