
Robin Jonsson
Nov 22, 2001
Bollnäs, Sweden
Well, I lost track of time *lol* and I also lost time to post here...sorry :/
There's not much left in the studio now, some vocal lines, choirs, additional percussion, some intro's/outro's maybe...and then we're off to the mixing part :)
We hope to get the cover from K.Wåhlin soon and H.Westin is working on the booklet.
So, progress is beeing made...
For those who read swedish there will be a studio report in the feb. issue of Sweden Rock Magazine, there's also a DVD with that issue with a bunch of bands...and us :)
Well, that's it...for now...gnight!
Korkil said:
For those who read swedish there will be a studio report in the feb. issue of Sweden Rock Magazine, there's also a DVD with that issue with a bunch of bands...and us :)
Didn't know SRM comes with a DVD from time to time. What's gonna be the ML feature on it then?
Glad to hear you guys are almost done in the studio! Hope to hear some samples of it soon. ;)

Speaking of DVDs, how are your own Morgana Lefay DVD coming? You think there will be enough material for a release? Or maybe a limited release with the new album?? Hope so! :hotjump:

Anyway, I see on other metal-boards that the exitement for a new Morgana Lefay album is growing, and as a result more people are checking you out! Think thats pretty cool, hope this comeback will bring you the break you guys deserve!
Gaunerin said:
Didn't know SRM comes with a DVD from time to time. What's gonna be the ML feature on it then?

Well actually it usally dont.....maybe a dvd-track on a promo-cd thats all....
After what Korkil have said earler it will be the video to Hollow. :hotjump: