Studio Equipment


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Hello, all.
Wondering if anybody knows of (or has a link to) a list of the studio equipment that James uses on a day to day basis. I know he is busy, and I hate to bother him personally, so I thought that I would pick your brain instead! :heh:
I know that he uses ProTools .... but that is about all that I know.

If there are any pics you would like to share of your own studio, please feel free to share!

The only thing that I love to see - more than pics of good lookin' chicks - are pics of studio equipment!

From this point forward I shall refer to this as GEAR PORN!!!!

Take care!
Same, but my "studio" is an SM57 mic and an iMac. Which is embarrassing when compared to some people who actually have a full-blown studio on here. :lol: