Hey guys I could really do with some help here as Im having big problems getting decent ryhthm and lead sounds at the studio where Ive recently started working from.
Usually this has never been a problem for me untill now! The band have definately noticed the difference aswell. This will be the 5th time that Ive recorded this band and they've always loved the guitar tones that I get for them but this time something is very odd!
Ive recorded this band at 2 other studios this last 2 years and the guitar tones were awesome, but at this studio the tones sound very dead and flat, as if all of the colour and charecter has been stripped right out! They sound limp and weak..! I noticed something wasnt right as soon as I heard the guitarist hit a chord..
The amps are Peavey 6505, Marshall 100w 2203 master voume and a Line 6 vetta 2. I always have the heads in the control room and the cabs in the live room. The recording chain is 57> Api 3124> Digi 192 and the rig is a Digi
HD3. Now you and I would expect this to sound cool but it sounds crap! No matter where I put the mic or how I tweak the amps the sound is dead. The guitarist is sayin that the guitar sound has no bollox, no sustain, no balls
and he's right! At the other 2 studios his guitar sound would tear your face off but here it's lifeless??
What is also interesting is that the guitarist uses a 'kidney' pod sometimes for a bit of variation which is always set excactly the same but even that is sounding dead and tinny!
I spoke to the studio owner about this and he said there is nothing wrong with his studio, but myself and the band 'know' something is'nt right.
Im sure there is a wiring issue or something as it reminds of when something is out phase, you know, when a sound is thin with a kind of comb filtering sound??
Guys believe me, its not my ears!! Anybody got any ideas, could it be a wiring issue?? How can a Les Paul with emg's into a 6505 into a 3124 sound limp??? This guitar rig usually sounds like machine head on steroids!
When I got back home I set up the 6505 with the same cab and it sounded awsome, loads of gain, sustain, fantastic!
Even at home where I use a 003 for overdubs I can get a wicked guitar tone so whats up with the HD3 system at the studio??
Any ideas guys??
Usually this has never been a problem for me untill now! The band have definately noticed the difference aswell. This will be the 5th time that Ive recorded this band and they've always loved the guitar tones that I get for them but this time something is very odd!
Ive recorded this band at 2 other studios this last 2 years and the guitar tones were awesome, but at this studio the tones sound very dead and flat, as if all of the colour and charecter has been stripped right out! They sound limp and weak..! I noticed something wasnt right as soon as I heard the guitarist hit a chord..
The amps are Peavey 6505, Marshall 100w 2203 master voume and a Line 6 vetta 2. I always have the heads in the control room and the cabs in the live room. The recording chain is 57> Api 3124> Digi 192 and the rig is a Digi
HD3. Now you and I would expect this to sound cool but it sounds crap! No matter where I put the mic or how I tweak the amps the sound is dead. The guitarist is sayin that the guitar sound has no bollox, no sustain, no balls
and he's right! At the other 2 studios his guitar sound would tear your face off but here it's lifeless??
What is also interesting is that the guitarist uses a 'kidney' pod sometimes for a bit of variation which is always set excactly the same but even that is sounding dead and tinny!
I spoke to the studio owner about this and he said there is nothing wrong with his studio, but myself and the band 'know' something is'nt right.
Im sure there is a wiring issue or something as it reminds of when something is out phase, you know, when a sound is thin with a kind of comb filtering sound??
Guys believe me, its not my ears!! Anybody got any ideas, could it be a wiring issue?? How can a Les Paul with emg's into a 6505 into a 3124 sound limp??? This guitar rig usually sounds like machine head on steroids!
When I got back home I set up the 6505 with the same cab and it sounded awsome, loads of gain, sustain, fantastic!
Even at home where I use a 003 for overdubs I can get a wicked guitar tone so whats up with the HD3 system at the studio??
Any ideas guys??