Studio report #4

Mar 14, 2002
Hi everybody!

Half way through this recording session I am glad to announce that we're ahead of schedule! :)
5 songs are completed and drums have been recorded for another 3. Right now it seems like we'll have 9 songs on the album which leaves us one song to record for drums.

Martin and I have been trying to do clean vocal choirs a couple of times but we still can't decide whether we'll stick with it or not. We need to practice more before we decide, but there hasn't been enough time for it so far.

Henke is using different screaming techniques and his vocals will be much more varied than the stuff he did on Timeless.

Once again I must say that the songs on this album will be much more varied than on TD. The songs sound more complete and are more well structured we think. We have covered everything from pure black metal (Jocke is the grind master!) to Dr Alban inspired dance beats (henke is the rap master!) ;) J/K

We have only had one or two minor setbacks so far including recording one song with wrong settings on the guitar amp and Jocke breaking one brand new Zildjan crash. So we're still in a good mood all of us :D

I bought a new digital camera the other day so you'll get to see some pics from the Abyss later on :)

See ya!

Sweet! If you're not sure about the clean vocals, you're best bet is probably to hold off on them until the next album once you've practiced them a little bit more
although what i just put is useless since you won't be getting this msg until after you finish in there :bah:
Originally posted by SkyfireAndreas
to Dr Alban inspired dance beats (henke is the rap master!) ;) J/K

:lol: :lol: Whew.....hehe. Good to know :D Besides one would think Martin is the rap master! :lol: ;)

Glad to hear everythings goin guys, do what you must with the clean vocals hehe, I think you and Martin are capable of it but it is your choice what fits on the album

Keep goin guys! :headbang:
:D Go skyfire!

BTW, I wonder...has Martin written any of the lyrics for the songs? I really liked the lyrics/music on By God Forsaken. Hopefully you can answer when you get back. :)
Adjusting the Sun ownz joo :p

Yeah that might be interesting like charlie said, he could so some clean vox like he did on Paled Empty Spheres. He is next door afterall ;)
Originally posted by Gadlor
:D Go skyfire!

BTW, I wonder...has Martin written any of the lyrics for the songs? I really liked the lyrics/music on By God Forsaken. Hopefully you can answer when you get back. :)
Martin has only written small parts of lyrics for this album. Henke and I have done most of them.
I hope you're not too disappointed ;)