Studio report "Become Death"

Day "fuck I forgot"

Listening to the first rough mixes of 3 songs, so far it is a killer! hell yeah, ....some final adjustments and we go for the next tunes.....

Think you gonna like this one!

The official release date is set and will be officially announced in the next days...........End of February should be marked in your calendar ;-)

Cheers and check back as always :-) *ggg*

The official release date is set and will be officially announced in the next days...........End of February should be marked in your calendar ;-)

February! Wow! I didn't think it would be that soon. :kickass: :rock: Can't wait. New Symphorce to drag my ass out of the cold Winter nights and into warmer Spring days.
I got to listen a couple sample tracks off this new album.

All I can say is HOLY SHIT! This is going to be soooo bad-ass! I am friggan blown away by what I've heard thus far! As soon as this record become available, I am so getting it! This one will definitly be blasted at "11"! Yeah, I am definitly letting my neighbors know about this one! :heh: :heh:

Fucking awesome guys! Saw you guys at Prog Power two years ago and thought how kick-ass that was! I hope to see you guys again at another show sometime in the near future!