Studio update (demo recordings)


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
We entered Aubitt Studios in Southampton ( ) yesterday to start recording 3 new demos for the new album with Rob Aubrey.

The songs we are recording are "Rising Anew", "Sacrifice" and "Time to Burn"

Rich did an amazing job yesterday and nailed all 3 songs in a matter of hours! So he gets a couple of days off now....and well deserved too!

Andy starts on guitars at 10am this morning with bass to be completed tomorrow.

From there I will be recording keyboards at Symphony studio early next week before we add vocals to the mix the following week!
Well.......we are done with recording drums, rhythm guitars, guitar leads and bass at Aubitt studios in Southampton. The lads have done a cracking job and the material is sounding...well....even if i do say so myself.....catchy as HELL!

Next up is my keyboard parts before I then have to pull a mix together before I send the parts for vocals to be added, Once that's done I'll finalise the keyboards and then perform the final mix.

Phew.....we are all knackered! lol
Well the next few days I've got the arduous task of pulling together stereo drum mix, getting keyboards recorded and getting a mix together........trying to do this by Thursday without any time off from the day job either. Gonna need an immense supply of coffee, nicotine....and some matchsticks for my eyes! lol!
*pictures Steve with a caffeine IV, covered in nicotine patches* Keep up the good work! Any chance the record company will come around and let us have a sneak peak at the demos? or perhaps you could slip out some studio diary kinda material with the demos as background music? :D
Can't wait to hear what comes of all this! Work your ass off, Steve! :lol: