Read this conversation between me and this idiot from my school that messaged me. I'm itsmattrickyo:
Bassist4IDIUM: dude you dont know sh*t about music your a pussy cause you dont drink all deathmetal riffs are fUkIN easy and the drumming ..i can do and im a guitarist this is eli
itsmattrickyo: Haha
itsmattrickyo: Funny
itsmattrickyo: Ok man
Bassist4IDIUM: no really
itsmattrickyo: No really...
Bassist4IDIUM: i wish your band would play ith ours so we can rip your asshole open
itsmattrickyo: You don't have one.
Bassist4IDIUM: ohh you dont have a drum or bass
itsmattrickyo: Nah not yet.
Bassist4IDIUM: i dont have a band
itsmattrickyo: You just said you do.
Bassist4IDIUM: dude i swear i can make a death metal song better than our is an hour with all parts
itsmattrickyo: That's because you dont know shit
itsmattrickyo: See?
Bassist4IDIUM: dude i could be a death metal drumeer
Bassist4IDIUM: ok what ever show me any riff ill do it like nothing
itsmattrickyo: (I pulled part of a cryptopsy song)
Bassist4IDIUM: thats just speed i could lean that if he showed me
Bassist4IDIUM: if you wanna hear ammmmmaaaazing drumming listen to tool and please dont talk shit about him cause ill wanna kick your ass
itsmattrickyo: (I play the same clip again)
itsmattrickyo: To who?
Bassist4IDIUM: same damn thing
itsmattrickyo: Yeah you couldn't do it.
Bassist4IDIUM: i bet my ass i could
itsmattrickyo: No
Bassist4IDIUM: dude dont talk shit im telling you
Bassist4IDIUM: i dont go kindly with that
itsmattrickyo: You messaged me first dumbass
itsmattrickyo: So fuck you
itsmattrickyo: Because you listen to Panterrible
Bassist4IDIUM: dude jazz drummers are better than that
itsmattrickyo: And you can't give me a song by them that has decent drums
itsmattrickyo: Because there isn't
Bassist4IDIUM: dude you dont know anything about music so its cool
itsmattrickyo: Coming from someone who listens to 4 bands, ok man
itsmattrickyo: I believe you now
itsmattrickyo: If you dont think those drums are fucking bad, then YOU dont know shit
itsmattrickyo: Which I knew from the start
Bassist4IDIUM: because i only listen to the good shit theres rare bands that are good
itsmattrickyo: You mean the gay shit

itsmattrickyo: Sorry
Bassist4IDIUM: metallica over all pantera soulfly deftones and tool , nin slipknot slayer
itsmattrickyo: What makes you the authority on any form of music?
itsmattrickyo: Death metal is just too complicated for you
itsmattrickyo: Thats why you cant understand
itsmattrickyo: Its an aquired taste
Bassist4IDIUM: dude know they have no rythm
itsmattrickyo: ......
itsmattrickyo: You havent heard any
itsmattrickyo: So whatever
Bassist4IDIUM: it cant make me fell its well some songs like covered in sored because it has a good flow
itsmattrickyo: You just heard Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel
itsmattrickyo: Wow
Bassist4IDIUM: no just cannibal thats the only godd eAth and there no metallica
Bassist4IDIUM: dude since metallca is dead i dont know what to turn to
Bassist4IDIUM: look dude in tired of talking to you im drunk and i know my shit so get off me
itsmattrickyo: If you message me
itsmattrickyo: Expect it fag