Stupid Flu shot......

I get needles all the time you big baby! Dont make me headbutt you Southy, I learned from the master. You.
Ask yourself this, Southmeister. Is a slight jab in the arm that you hardly even feel better or worse than having the flu?

I wouldn't say I liked needles, but I'd rather have them than risk getting sick. If there's an injection against anything I always get it done because I'm a hypochondriac and a borderline germophobe.

Plus, if you're a brave boy the doctor might give you a jelly bean :lol:.

I had it today mate, i just hate the dead arm I get for a day is all. Everyone tells me I shouldn't hate needles cause of all the tatt's I have, but it aint the same fucking thing DAMMIT!
Last jab I had was Tetanus. And I think the nurse fucked up, 'cause I get a dead arm feeling at the exact point of the injection fairly regularly.

I'm in favour of immunisation, I'm certainly not in favour of them also injecting you with egg white, formaldehyde, and mercury. The egg is from what they grow the virus have a baby, and they tell you they can't touch eggs until 12 months old, because they might develop an allergy. They inject them with a HepB vaccine when they are an hour old. Formaledehyde and mercury have no "safe" doseage, but are used as preservatives in the vaccine.

Once upon a time they used to (well actually, they still do) grow viruses on monkey kidneys to manufacture vaccines. There was a virus named Simian Immunodeficiency Virus that was potentially the root cause of HIV.

Have you ever asked your vet WHY your dog needs to be immunised for Parvovirus, when Parvo is a harmless cat virus ?
Shannow said:
Formaledehyde and mercury have no "safe" doseage, but are used as preservatives in the vaccine.
But mercury is a heavy metal! You can never have enough heavy metal. \m/

Shannow said:
Have you ever asked your vet WHY your dog needs to be immunised for Parvovirus, when Parvo is a harmless cat virus ?
I figured it was to protect them against canine parvovirus, as opposed to feline parvovirus, pig parvovirus, or indeed human parvovirus. I could be wrong though, I admit haven't asked.
phlogiston said:
I figured it was to protect them against canine parvovirus, as opposed to feline parvovirus, pig parvovirus, or indeed human parvovirus. I could be wrong though, I admit haven't asked.
Not quite.

There was no dog parvo virus, until they started growing viruses for canine vaccines on cat kidneys.

Then feline parvovirus decided to jump ships, and became the virus that all of us dog owners fear, canin parvovirous. A disease that dogs didn't get before.

Kids in childcare get "slapcheek" all the time, but it's nothing to do with why my dog needs to be immunised against parvo.

As a complte aside, and completely off topic (well sorta), when you get your cat vaaainated these days, it includes a Calicivirus vaccination also.