The Flu sucks !

Sixth day with a 39 celsius fever in a row. Gonna see a doctor today.

You definitely shouldn't ignore such a fever for so long. Last year I had ~38.7C for a few days (went to the doctor but he misdiagnosed apparently) so I had to spend 9 days in a hospital wasting my time and staring at the ceiling with an annoying fever and tons of antibiotics in my system. Also you wouldn't believe the state that the shared toilets there were in :guh: but that's another topic.
Get well guys, all of you!

I have a cold it seems, no fever I think so hopefully it will pass soon.
I've just joined the club - flew back from Florida late last week, got my parents down there after my mom's treatment was complete for the cancer they discovered last fall (wanted to make sure they goth there safe and got settled - spent a nice week with them also. Florida had much nicer weather than here in Connecticut), think I caught something on the plane (I always get sick after air travel). Started Sunday night, now I have a low grade fever, body aches, sore throat, cough, ... I hate being sick. Might have to make an appointment with my doctor, we'll see how I feel later today. Time to go back to bed.
The doc put me on antibiotics and I feel like I'm on another planet...good luck with it - this years flu season is nasty..:devil:

then you either don't have the flu or you went to a bad doc

flu is viral

I'd stop taking them or go see another doc cause you could actually end up making shit worse for yourself ... literally
I spent 24 hrs in the ER last wednesday in semi-critical condition..

But it was severe food poisoning.. I know better as to get my annual influenza vaccine
then you either don't have the flu or you went to a bad doc

flu is viral

I'd stop taking them or go see another doc cause you could actually end up making shit worse for yourself ... literally

he's a pretty good Doc, I've seen him for 8 years - my colleague is hospitalized back in Singapore with the same thing, I'm just hoping I caught mine early enough
then you either don't have the flu or you went to a bad doc

flu is viral

I'd stop taking them or go see another doc cause you could actually end up making shit worse for yourself ... literally

The thing is you can start with a flu and end up with a bacterial pneumonia or other nasty stuff...
^ of course but if its a "diagnosed" flu and then you're given antibiotics, thats not gonna make anything better and chances are you would just end up getting even more sick