Swine Flu

Not sure about normal flu but I think its around 1300 deaths from SF

In the grand scheme of a fair few billion people, it isn't much,
And around the time that the deaths of REGULAR flu were around 1000-ish, I think the deaths from SWINE flu were like
30 something? Not sure, but ridiculously low. Like lol-worthy low.

And as far as "subtle" hysteria goes? Dunno about that. Seemed like an all out media bombardment to me.
I think that's about the most accurate way to sum up the what the media have had to say about swine flu.
I caught it. FUCK! REFUCK!
Fever, cough, snots, phlegms and my throat is badly injured. My voice is like Barry White just woken up.

Next week, Saturday 31 I play in Madrid in a very important show, where I have to sing...I guess that fever will go away but pleaseeeee.... what can I do to recover my throat!:waah::waah:
I caught it. FUCK! REFUCK!
Fever, cough, snots, phlegms and my throat is badly injured. My voice is like Barry White just woken up.

Next week, Saturday 31 I play in Madrid in a very important show, where I have to sing...I guess that fever will go away but pleaseeeee.... what can I do to recover my throat!:waah::waah:

that sucks dude, just drink loads and loads of water and let your throat rest up until the show.
2 people have died in Sweden from taking the vaccine, and consider that only 30% of the 9-million people in this country is going to take the vaccine, and that only a fraction of those 30% has taken it.. so yeah, im definitly NOT taking it.
This vaccine contains the exact same things as it did in 1976, where they stoped using it due to people dying, children got autistic, GBS etc.

It contains the same form of mercury that Amalgam does, which has been proven to cause allot of issues.
On another note it has been cultivated inside eggs, which means that when it is injected in to your system it will attach it self to some of your cells.. and in order for the body to get rid of this "intruding dna", it has to destroy the surrounding cells: Ta'dah! Youve got an autoimmune dissorder!

And what ive heard from friends that has had the swineflu: Its like the regular flu.. you might feel like shit, but thats it.
2 people have died in Sweden from taking the vaccine,

That's not entirely true. One of the guy had a heartattack a couple of days after the vaccine shot. Could've happen any other time.

The second guy had some kind of muscular disease and was really ill to begin with.

Just coincidences.

I haven't decided wheter to take it or not, but my wife has taken the vaccine(since she is pregnant).
I think the best analogy for vaccines is this:

walking across a main road with your eyes open, or walking across the same road with your eyes closed.

Also, it's a bit like voting. You might not want to get out of bed and go vote but if everybody does that then you're in a bit of a mess!
The possible risk the vaccine might hold, weighed up against the risks associated with the disease might be enough to sway you to not getting vaccine, but the less people get the vaccine the greater the risk of you getting the disease. The phrase is "critical immunity" i think
Dont get vaccinated its full of mercury and shit! A women just died of 'meningitis' after taking tamiflu. Ive heard that tamiflu can cause a brain infection but they'll say its meningitis to get off the hook. Take 3-5 cloves of raw garlic and 3x5ml of cayenne pepper a day if you think you've got flu. Dont believe the hype!

Fuck off with that bullshit. Vaccinations are safe, and do not warrant your scaremongering.