Stupid, Stupid, Stupid....but funny?

'kin GREAT!!!!!!!!

On a side-note, I just watched House of 1000 Corpses and I must say that every critic who reviewed it must think that something like Scream 3 is actually horror. I was blown away by Rob's little movie!!!!!!! I come from the 70's/80's realm of horror fans and, compared to the horror crap of the 90's,(with the ONLY exclusions being Dead Alive and Seven) HO1000C was a breath of truly fresh air! I only wish there had been more actual gore in the film and, being that it was on dvd, I was wondering where any deleted scenes were.

After seeing it, though, I honestly feel that the "problems" this film had with being released could only have been for one of two reasons. Either:

1. the studio execs really are total pussies and think that "less gore is more" in the horror realm is actually more marketable and appealing.


2. It was all just a marketting ploy to begin with.

The only thing I was missing from the movie were the REAL Romero-esque scenes. Rob got everything else right, so I was awaiting something really extreme in the finish. That's the only down side I can find to this movie.


I have ranted off-topic in this thread. BET YA DIDN'T SEE THAT COMIN' from the ol' Analog_Kid!!!!! bah
I didn't think it was funny. It tries hard to be teh funny.