Stupid tattoo's


Feb 4, 2002
I was chatting with a friend the other day and we began to discuss the idea of really stupid tatt's. Why would a human being get work done of pictures like food? You need to be just a little bent in the head to tattoo meat balls on your testicles and a Sausage on your penis. And Why the fuck would you ink a pic on chicken cutlets on your ass???? Hell I once knew a dude who had a chef salad inked on his chest.Food for thought I guess.
I've never even heard of that before, but I guess anything is possible. I don't know why anyone would do that, either.

Of course, I don't have any but whenever I do get around to it, it won't be of a burger and fries, so you don't have to worry.
In the early to mid 90s when tat's starting to be "mainstream" I had a friend get a soccer ball done on his leg and I saw some chick on MTV(Real World?) get Kermit the Frog. :Spin:
When I was in high school, a few friends of mine (Jen, Ed and Mike) were sitting around in art class. Jen was talking about getting a tattoo and asked the guys what to get. I should tell you that Jen had the worst reputation on all of Long Island.

So Ed says "Why don't you get a fish, you fucking slut?" Jen showed up the next day with a black goldfish on her ankle. She still doesn't know what he meant by it.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
When I was in high school, a few friends of mine (Jen, Ed and Mike) were sitting around in art class. Jen was talking about getting a tattoo and asked the guys what to get. I should tell you that Jen had the worst reputation on all of Long Island.

So Ed says "Why don't you get a fish, you fucking slut?" Jen showed up the next day with a black goldfish on her ankle. She still doesn't know what he meant by it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Two stories:

A friends father's girlfriend's brother ( WTF ) wanted HOT and COLD tattooed under his nipples. Dumb fuck did it himself in the bathroom mirror. He has TOH under one and DCOLD under the other.

Same friend saw Henry Rollins on TV after he worked out and grew up and didn't recognize him from his Black Flag days. When he saw the Black Flag tat on him, he said "What kind of loser get s a Black Flag tattoo. Our bud, fresh out of the service and sitting between us,lowers his head. He's got the the same tat on his arm and he's wearing a tanktop so it's entirely visible. A funny, if not uncomfortable, moment.
I just thought of this this morning.

I went to school with a guy named Kirk. We had about a dozen mutual friends, but we really disliked each other. One day, Kirk shows up in the cafeteria with a bandage on his arm, all proud of himself because he got a tattoo. But he wouldn't show it to anyone until it was all healed, cause he's an idiot like that.

So anyway, one of said mutual friends, Dave, says "Oh God, I hope it's not something gay like a guitar with wings." Kirk's face turned almost purple, and he stomped off. Kirk's girlfriend smacked Dave and said "You asshole. It is a guitar with wings." We all almost got written up because we couldn't stop laughing.

When we saw it later, it was a guitar with wings, with a ribbon underneath that said "Jackson" on it. Kirk didn't show it off very often.
Mistress Brat, LMMFAO.....that cracked me u...HUHwait a freakin min...I got a guitar with wings!!!!!!!!!

j/k :D
I saw a tattoo once of a leather chair with a foot stool on somebody's forearm.
I also know of a guy who went to the tattoo shop by my house and asked for a tattoo of a tiger. Dave, that tattooist gave him a tat of an orange tiger. The the idiot asked Dave why he gave him an orange tiger. Dave's like "...coz tigers are orange...." :Smug: