Sturgis Style Vocal Tones - I cant believe I am asking this

Double track everything edit tight as fuck like ermz said. Check the plea for purging thread ryan (catharsis) posted awhile ago he talks about his vocal layering on the album (and there was alot of it) Use an 1176 comp because I believe he uses his UAD 1176 (or atleast he used to??) as far as anything else goes I couldn't tell you. Compress the fuck out of everything, he also said he did that tooo lawlz. And check the Miss May I threads he might have posted stuff on those. <3333

Been trying to find that thread all day. Care to point me in the right direction?
haha. joey just does what people like. it's his job.
nothing wrong with that. so let's not place the blame on him.

I do agree that some of the stuff that's behind drop these days are bit... unmusical. but to each his own.
in addition, it's wrong to assume just because someone is into what you call "new-age-bullshit" doesn't mean they just woke up one day and decided that what dropped in 2008 & beyond is all there is to music. people know what they grew up with and the kids making music today are only influenced by what has already been made. no?
maybe it's just the people I know. but the musicians I hang with know the classics just as well as the new stuff. why would they try to remake what has already been made? it's a musicians job make music that people will enjoy. if you want to make music that people won't like, then sit in your bedroom and do so. kids really seem to like Attack Attack & Emmure. and musicans before 95 were only considered great because people liked what was being made too.
it's the same thing.

wasn't the Miss May I threads on the off-topic forum for some reason?
Get over yourself.
80% of so called "old age" metal is just some middle aged dudes who should just cut their hair, take responsibility in life and start acting their age.

Personally I'd never do anything else than "acting myself" ;)

Technically the younger guys are more skilled nowadays, but they still can learn a lot about feeling, passion and personality from the oldschool folks.

But I do not want to unnecessarily polarize, since I listen to any kind of rock & metal music from 1960 - 2011 anyway. The only difference between then and now is - bullshit sounds pretty good nowadays.
Whats worng with the music today? I mean what are you talking about ...this is the way people today feel the music and the way they see,... it´s a matter of taste I like Withechapel , Miss May I , and Impellitteri , Oceano and House of Lord it´s all about music
I hate burzum but still be a clasic of blackmetal...
sorry for being out of topic
why can nobody start a thread being curious about joeys methods or workflow without this shit starting up everytime?

broken record....