Suffocation/All Out War/Pyrexia guitar medley (ENGL SE 6L6, Torpedo VB-101)


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Since i always jam playing those riffs from Suffocation/All Out War/Pyrexia, i decided to record a guitar tone test medley, and try some different Lead Channel & voicing combinations.

Lead 1 is the tightest and driest lead channel.
Lead 2 is more saturated, spongy and smooth. It's also a bit bassier, and the contour active switch emphasizes that.

My current tone is made using lead 1 channel since i wanna get a dry tight kind of tone, but i wanted to show that you can also get a fat spongy saturated smooth kind of tone also, using lead 2 channel.

Sorry for the sloppy playing (i was kinda high on cold fever while playing :) )

-Lead 1 channel, mid edge voicing on, Blue Dragonfly condenser mic sim :

-Lead 1 channel, mid edge voicing on, SM57 mic sim :

-Lead 2 channel, contour active voicing on, Blue Dragonfly condenser mic sim :

-Lead 2 channel, contour active voicing on, SM57 mic sim :

You guys tell me what you think.
sounds like engl all right...

think I like the second and last tone most. But it's always hard to hear just having a center guitar. If you would record two tracks and pan them I think I would have a lot easier to comment on the sound. But as it is it sounds good!
sounds like engl all right...

think I like the second and last tone most. But it's always hard to hear just having a center guitar. If you would record two tracks and pan them I think I would have a lot easier to comment on the sound. But as it is it sounds good!

Thanks !

I'll definitely record two tracks soon, and maybe a full mix also.

I like all 4, but the lead 2 is maybe a little too fat and spongy for what i'm aiming for.

Lead 1 is dry and tight but i like it this way for my guitar tones.

SM57 sounds good, it's very mix-ready and the chug attack is great, but i don't like the way it rings (kinda fuzzy/fizzy).
So my go-to sound is still Blue dragonfly condenser mic on lead 1 channel.