Suffocation - Anomalistic Offerings gp tab


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
I know this isn't a tab website, but I've just spent the best part of today and yesterday putting this song (originally tabbed out by someone else) into gp.
I thought some of you guys might appreciate it, because let's face it, it's got some monster riffs. Kudos to the guy who originally tabbed it, he's got some mad tabbing skills. If only he had gp instead of txt :lol:

Even you non death metal guys should check this shit out :headbang:
Nevermind. This whole Guitar Pro 6 thing is dumb. Why would they completely change the extension?
Can't use it?
If so I can upload another one in an earlier format when I get home....

Also, I should probably warn bass players that the bass is just a copy of the guitars, or root notes...sorry
If anyone wants to correct it, (at least the slow melodic bit) feel free :)
if anyone wanna try to learn obscura, here's my footage of the song, some sounds that Hurdle makes are quite weird so I figured you might want to check this out....Yes all upstroked!

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Thanks for offering to convert these, but i have a buddy that has GP and owes me a favor, Thanks agin this will be bad ass