SUFFOCATION . Souls to Deny


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
is this the year of the comeback or what? Exodus, DA .. now Suffocation.
man, this new one just totally blew my nuts off. I am used to Suffocations normally dense song structures that take a few listens to sink in ... and while this does not dissapooint it is also a very instant record at the same time.

not instant like Decapitated's latest, where it is so instant it gets boring after a few listens, but instant considering Suffocations previous efforts.

the whole record has no filler tracks but 3 really stood out for me for sheer blow your nuts off brutality ... to weep once more, immortaly condemned and tomes of atrimony.

a big surprise from these guys ... i really didn't think they still had it ... and then they give us this !!!!:worship: :OMG:
Just saw them with Morbid Angel, they played three new songs that didn't let up and fit in well with the old tracks.
Yeah so after years of wondering about this band I finally picked up Effigy of the Forgotten and Pierced From Within, both have been getting regular spins lately.

Should I pick up this new one? If it's just more of the same I don't really need it, but if it offers some new worthy shit maybe I do. YOU MAKE THE CALL!
NADatar said:
Should I pick up this new one? If it's just more of the same I don't really need it, but if it offers some new worthy shit maybe I do. YOU MAKE THE CALL!

To claim that their new release is pushing any boundaries or offering anything new and groundbreaking would be stretching the truth a bit. However, it's much better than "Pierced"* and at least on par with "Effigy" and "Souls To Deny". Rock solid death metal.

* = Even though I'm a huge DM anorak, I somehow don't really like "Pierced" that much - the weak production ruins a lot of the fun for me. Way too bassheavy, and I also dislike the way the drums sound. One of the few albums that I dislike mainly due to poor production work.
haha, I didn't even know there was another new one coming out. Cool.

I have the Two From the Vault edition of Effigy and Pierced, which I really enjoy because a) each album is on a separate disc with NO bonus tracks, and b) the full page front artwork is including in the liner notes for each one. I don't know if they are remastered or not, but I do know that they both sound great. Effigy is murky but audible, Pierced is pretty clean but not pristine.
my fucking lord ... what the fuck is in the water lately with old school bands?

they are releasing their best shit in decades ... playing like 20 year olds and just slaying.

the new one is far "cleaner" and more cohesive than anything they ever done ... with a sick fucking production ... Mullen sounds a bit clearer but still the "standard" by which all other DM vocals are measured ...

sample on ze way ...

PS: maybe its beacuse I have been listening to music lately with headphones .. thanks to my "I need dick badly" downstairs neighbour who starts banging on the wall at the slightest sounds of bass
some strangely different style lyrics on "Translucent Patterns of Delirium" ..

cannot make out a lot of it ... but there is stuff like:

"my mother once told me .. shut up ... shut up" :lol: