Suffocation - Souls To Deny

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So Relapse decided to start sending me promos again . . . only thing is, this CD came out today . . . the day I got the promo. Aren't promos supposed to help hype a band before the official release? Anyway . . .

The intro is a little weak, with the begining song just fading in. I don't really want to say too much until I review it.

Does anybody else have it?
I would just like to butt in again and say that the new one gets ridiculously better with every listen ... jawdropping.
If it gets any better it might turn our to be my favorite release from them.
Papa - are you reviewing this?

Man, if this turns out to be better than Pierced from Within, or even as good as, then we're talking top 5 material for 2004 surely.
i listened to effigy a while ago. i m drunk. and i really really enjoyed it this time. but then again i would probably enjoy three doors down too right about now. and iam studying while drunk and i have an exam tomorrow and iam trased as hell. oops!

why in the hell is the new one on relapse??!?
Papa Josh said:
Absolutely, unless you wanna wait for the promo to get to you and you take a stab at it. This is most definitely in the Top 5 of 2004 right now.
I'll take the promo, but you review you it! I've got a stack sitting on my sack.