Suggest A Tape Sim Plugin


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Dec 14, 2013
Looking to get a good deal. Slate VTM is $109, McDSP Analog Channel is $55 and Kramer Tape is $62 at AudioDeluxe.

I'd mainly be using it on distorted guitars, bass and master buss. Genres are rock and metal.

Which one would you suggest that I buy?
Demo them all if you can.
Not sure if I'm going to have enough time to do this today before the sales end. I was hoping for a general consensus that one of those would be better suited for my needs. I did demo VTM when it first came out, but don't really remember how it sounded. I've been digging around past posts on here and Gearslutz. Those three in my original post seemed to come up the most and gathered a far amount of praise.
I have all 3 and I would say Slate VTM all the way. I don't think I've even touched analog channel since I bought VTM years ago. Kramer tape is cool, but a little trickier to dial in, I tend to only use it as an effect when I want something a little more over the top, you can dial in some cool lo-fi ish sounds by cranking the flux knob.
I enjoy the Kramer Tape a lot. Like @chrisjmp said, it's a bit tricky to dial in, but with correct gain staging you'll be golden.
Not sure if I'm going to have enough time to do this today before the sales end. I was hoping for a general consensus that one of those would be better suited for my needs. I did demo VTM when it first came out, but don't really remember how it sounded. I've been digging around past posts on here and Gearslutz. Those three in my original post seemed to come up the most and gathered a far amount of praise.

The reality is that sound is subjective and you'll receive differing opinions, which is why demoing is the only way to go imo. For example I didn't like both Waves tape emus at all since they sound grainy and more like an effect than an emulation to me, but still there are numerous people who really enjoy them a lot.
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I second Reelbus, I use it on most sessions. And dang it is cheap.
I've never heard of this before, so I decided to search the internet for info. Found a blind shootout with Reelbus, VTM and a few others. Most preferred VTM, but a lot liked Reelbus the same. I got to say that that's what happened to me when I did the test. Hmm, decisions...decisions. :confused:
Well, luckily I had some time to get in the studio and try these out. First off the bat, I don't care for VTM. Maybe that's why I never bought it after I demo'd it when it first came out. Then I was kind of torn between Kramer and Reelbus, until I put Reelbus on my drum bus. Good lord! I messed around with it some more on the guitars and got it to sound equally as good as the Kramer because I was leaning towards the Kramer first because of a slight preference on guitars. Reelbus also shined on bass. The thing about that plugin, is that it is so versatile and so cheap compared to the other two. Haven't had a chance to check out McDSP's Analog Channel, but I'm sold on Reelbus thanks to @FarBeyondMetal and @Clockwork !!!
Well, since Waves had extended their sale. I had a little more time to test the plugins. I just kept preferring the Kramer on my guitars. I'm a guitarist first and foremost, I had to go with my gut and buy the Kramer. So, far I'm pretty happy and I can always pick up Reelbus on the cheap anytime in the future.