Suggest on my Sports Tv Show Theme!

Sep 8, 2005
Hey Fellas!

A friend of mine conduct a local tv show about sports and stuff, so he ask me if i can make and record a song for the show entrance and ending credits (he´s actually using my band´s material)

So i write this song and went to my friends studio to record it.

Suggestions on the mix are more than welcome, this is barely mixed and there are still a couple of guitar solos to do.

I wanted to make something like Satriani´s "summer song" vibe

Guitars are: LTD Laiho signature with EMG-H into 5150 and a Marshall 2x12, one sm57 into a focusrite isa one, then into a mixer channel and finally to the firepod.

Drums are natural, the kit is a mapex with evans heads but don´t rememeber the model. Snare is planned to be replaced, and maybe the kick.

Bass, a crappy yamaha with actives through sansamp psa-1.

What you guys would recommend us on this mix, i can´t judge the mix myself in home because i only have some crappy laptop speakers, so any help would be more than appreciated.
Hahaha, I love it dude, though the overheads (cymbals) are definitely too loud, and there's a little clipping going on - guitars sounds good, though a little cloudy, but that's probably the speakers, so I wouldn't change anything with them. Also, the snare might be too loud, though once you bring down the overheads (can't stress this enough), I think you'll be all set! And yeah, I can tell the kick is heavily eq'ed, so I'd replace it, though I don't mind the snare honestly, I think it works well here! Great job, and very rockin! :headbang:
Thanks a lot Marcus, glad you like it!

I also think the overheads are loud, in fact they were louder at first, because there`s some cymbals leaking in the toms and snare mics, gotta fix that. thanks for your suggestions dude! :headbang:
Hi man. That's a cool tune, but, i would prefer a brighter/more trebly rythm guitars.
But that's my opinion.
Hope you can put the song with solos, to feel if it has the energy enough.

Great job man!
Believe me i thought about that ;) i really like your style, let me see if i can get the files, and if my friend haven`t done the solos himself, he`s good soloing too