Suggestion Thread....

I never completed that game :( I just got to the Winter Mansion or whatever it was, I killed the possessed lady and then I returned the game to his owner Y_Y

Edit: :mad: great, I just saw the video comments and found this:

in the game zant kills ganondorf kinda wat leaves me confused is that midna killed zant

:lol: Sorry man, didn't mean to ruin things. It's still a tight game though! Leaping onto the back of your horse and flipping off mid-battle is so totally cool! :p

Yeah Twilight Princess is sweet, I went through it twice and got all bugs and poes. :rofl:

<3 Zelda.

*please Shigeru, use the wii motion plus for the next Zelda title*

....a zelda thread, and I'm only finding out about this now?!

That being said...Twilight Princess was a huge letdown. Although it was enjoyable.

I liked Windwaker better.
I highly suggest a beach ball during sex for playing catch with the back of the females head. If this does not sound fun you may have the anatomy of a ken doll. this is balls funny. But in any case, i suggest that one ever mix absinthe like it says on the bottle, drink it straight like a man, and if you died, you died happy seeing little flying kittens. this is balls funny. But in any case, i suggest that one ever mix absinthe like it says on the bottle, drink it straight like a man, and if you died, you died happy seeing little flying kittens.

I suggest actually trying alcohol, and not being 12 years old before talking about alcohol.


my first love:oops::oops::oops:
but this isnt what this is all about ,right?