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Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey what do you think about this idea ?

Let's just come back to what this forum used to be a few monthes ago : posts related to Andy Sneap's work and metal recording tips & techniques, where people would be cool and respectfull of other's opinions and tastes, where people would try to find some answers by themselves instead of just being assisted (Google can be useful)... I am an utopist (or maybe over-reacting to the current trend which consists in flaming each other and talking about the weather) but I'm sure we can make it... Come on...

Of course I agree with you - but the majority og posts are still related to recording and Andy Sneap - so basically it's still a "good" forum. Just ignore the assholes. It's like an itch - it you scratch back it'll only get worse.....
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
where people would try to find some answers by themselves instead of just being assisted (Google can be useful)...

I think it's a good thing to have this forum for simple questions as well. Googling can take quite a while for even some of the most simple of questions, and even then the information provided is often incorrect. This forum saves us a lot of time in that respect.
I also noticed that answers on the board on serious questions are getting fewer and off topic is growing fast... :yuk:
maybe a working search back option will avoid a lot of questions alread asked. :erk:

I hope you get the idea of this *g* although my english is crap :D
I voted yes too. Comic relief is always good and having guys like Andy, Lee B etc. on board, we don't really need to have threads exclusive to Off-topic. :D
I'm not a very prolific poster, but I'm quite the lurker. I do see a lot of redundancy in the questions and comments, and think the "search" feature should definitely be instituted again, so as to make this board more of a "reference" source, which is what I tend to use it as.
As for the off-topic stuff, I don't mind it so much just yet. A *moderate* bit of wackiness or small talk is welcome on slow days, especially when I'm busy browsing through the backlog looking for a specific topic (PLEASE... search feature!). The moment somebody starts a "what are you listening to right now?" or "recent purchases!" thread, though, the board should be destroyed in a violent storm and built anew, in a similar fashion to what that God character did in that book where that Noah guy built an ark. I think it was the fourth Harry Potter, but don't quote me on that.
Anyway, I think I agree with your point on many levels. This board is cool, and I'd hate to see it become like every other board on the internet and suck. But as it stands now, it's still awesome, and the chatter hasn't become deafening quite yet, relatively speaking. Also: search.
I definitely agree that the forum has seen better days. The search function really does need to be reinstated, to minimize the stupid recurring questions, and threads need to be kept on topic, and controversial and hopelessly argument-provoking issues need to either be avoided or controlled. Users such as Oinkness need to die or just not post, etc. I miss the days when I actually learned something from the posts instead of repeating myself or others or ignoring the retarded topics(maybe a little bit of an exagerration, but sometimes I really do feel like this).
I slowed down on the posting because it's been hard lately to get that valuable information out of the forum that it used to have. I've been here pretty much everyday for the past year and a half and always enjoy it (and have learned a lot!), but the past couple months it's been invaded by randoms and way off topic threads. I still enjoy this forum though it's not as technical as it was this time last year. The "old schoolers" on this board are some of the coolest people out there. I have learned something from everyone here.
Hmm, well I was involved in a thread people seemed to get riled up over. Granted, it was a bit controversial and annoyed some people, but it wasn't *THAT* bad, I feel. Just had more ground for disagreement and I guess that incited a little of a fighting atmosphere. I was being a bit stubborn so that didn't help things too much, but wasn't trying to be an asshole.

In a place like this it is very important to make sure that genuine trolling, assholery and dickheadishness is dealt with. I'll be more careful about chucking around opinions in a strong way for my part, but this place is still good! :p
Good points all around - I think this must reference that Arch Enemy thread someone started? Where James Murphy got riled up?

I agree - I think posts with MP3 clips are invaluable. The Andy C4 trick alone was worth its weight in gold. I'm not a big fan of huge, elongated posts. I like stuff simple and to the point.

There are some very talented people here, and I really wish Mr. Sneap would chime in more, but I know his schedule is tight.

Bottom line, don't be a donkey raping shit eater, be cool, offer good advice, and this place is golden. Awesome forum. I hate off topic malarky - you can do that crap at harmony central.
People still post useful stuff here, in the serious threads.
I don't see the harm in an off-topic thread: just don't read them if you don't want to, dude!
Off-topic posting in a serious thread is not very helpful, mind.
Personally I quite enjoy the light relief.